Chapter 15

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"Father enough is enough! You need to stop spoiling Rias!" Sirzech said scowling at his father as he approached the man in his study after school that day. Behind him were Rias and Sona in some chairs with Grayfia standing behind Millicias and Issei further back near the doorway. Of course Rias didn't know it was Issei, she just sensed a slightly familiar but strong presence from the man in the cloak that was being surrounded protectively.

Serafall was looking uncharacteristically serious as her peerage stood behind her and semi-around Sona protectively, keeping a wary eye on Rias and her peerage. Sona's own peerage were scattered behind their King and near Issei looking tense and concerned as they watched what was happening while also keeping an eye on Rias. Most of Rias's peerage was behind her, looking relatively small and relaxed compared to the other peerages in the room. The only exceptions to this were Koneko who was over by Grayfia and Issei and was on high alert as she glared at her King's back, and the Pervert Duo as the nearly drooled over the women in the room.

"Son you know that she's the heiress and-" Lord Gremory said placating while Rias looked smug, sure her father would talk her brother out of whatever had him in a snit this time. Usually he was happy to see his sister and would spend some time with her leading everyone to believe he was a sis-con but for the last while he had been pissed at Rias which had her frowning. Her brother being Lucifer had given her more sway with the other devils and factions since he was considered a sis-con, if he stayed mad and lost that status her power over the others wouldn't be nearly as great.

"She not only nearly cost us our alliance with the Sitri family but she nearly killed her own kin!" Sirzech roared as he slammed his fist down on his fathers desk, shattering and destroying it while making all but Grayfia and Sona jump.

"What are you talking about?" Vanessa Gremory demanded her eyes hardening as she looked at her son, he was never one to bring up charges or accusations that he couldn't prove and besides. She knew her husband had spoiled their daughter and heiress badly, but she never knew how badly.

"Because of her actions she nearly killed my eldest son!" Sirzech said snarling as he glared back at his sister who looked shocked and confused.

"You found him? You found Lucias?" Vanessa asked her head snapping over to the cloaked figure that Grayfia had one hand on while Millicias was hugging the taller figure around the waist. They would only act that way in front of them for one reason...a family member.

"Yes he was turned into a half-human by the Stray Devil that stole him from us. He was living in the human world with adoptive parents under a different name in Kuoh and Rias's actions nearly led to his death!" Sirzech said glaring at his sister who looked confused.

"Who's Lucias?" Rias asked confused and making everyone look at her.

"Lucias is the name given to your eldest nephew. He's Sirzech and Grayfia's oldest son, only about a year younger than you actually." Lord Gremory said answering his daughters question and making her look shocked. He ignored the glare his wife was giving him. He was sooo sleeping on the couch tonight.

"How could I have nearly killed him and destroyed our alliance with the Sitri's? I've never met anyone named Lucias before!" Rias demanded looking shocked and angry at what she was being accused of as she glared at her brother who shot her a worse glare back.

"He was adopted by a nice human couple and given a new name. When Sona-chan noticed his resemblance to Grayfia and his strong powers which were tearing his body apart she asked her sister's Knight to get Grayfia. She was originally going to ask Grayfia to teach Lucias-kun how to control his powers over ice, she didn't know that he was our son." Sirzech answered smiling over at Sona and Lucias who gave him smiles in return.

"I see and who was this exactly? I don't recall leaving anyone to die..." Rias trailed off causing Matsuda and Motohama to scowl at her along with most of the rest of the room.

"She left Issei to die or did she forget?" Matsuda muttered angrily to Motohama, although they forgot about the sensitive hearing of Devils for a moment making some of Sona's peerage snort slightly but glower at Rias. Rias for her part turned to glare at the two perverts, angry as hell with them for not having the powerful gears she thought they had. Absorption and Reflection would be useful yes, but she doubted they could defeat Riser!

"Issei?" Lady Gremory prompted looking at the two boys and easily ignoring their appreciative glances at her body. She was used to such looks and thought it was kind of humorous to see such young men giving her looks even though they probably should have known she was well over a hundred years old.

"Our friend since we were in diapers just about. He's...well he's not a pervert but that's because he's really sick. There's something wrong with his body and it tears him apart from the inside, making him very sickly at times to the point where he coughs up blood and calls it a small attack. If he wasn't dying from it he probably would have joined us in being perverts but since he was sick he didn't want to get attached to anyone romantically for fear of hurting them when he does die. The doctors estimated him to die around the age of 18." Motohama said after glancing at Issei and receiving a nod of approval. All of Rias's other peerage members looked shocked at that information.

"He may be sick a lot but don't let that fool you. He's the most protective person and very possessive of those he deems as his and since he's already dying he has very little care for his own life in comparison to others. He has literally taken a bullet for Motohama and a knife for me before. He's the kind of guy who'll lay his life down for his friends in a heartbeat and never expect any word of thanks or anything in return." Matsuda said smiling slightly fondly at that while Lady Gremory smiled slightly at how much the two open perverts cared for their friend.

"He sounds like a wonderful young man. I'd like to meet him one day." She said making Rias snort slightly.

"I'm surprised he isn't here. Sona saved him by making him one of her peerage members." Rias said moving to take a sip of the glass of water Akeno held out for her without prompting.

Sirzech smirked as he motioned Issei forward. Serafall smirked as well and motioned for Akane and Ibuki to get their cameras ready.

"Actually he is here. Everyone...may I formally introduce someone very important." Sirzech said as Issei stood next to him, they waited until Rias had a good bit of water in her mouth before Issei lowered the hood of his cloak to reveal himself to the room.

"Meet Issei Lucias Hyouduo–Gremory-Lucifuge. My eldest son and Sona-chan's fiancée." Sirzech announced.

Issei and his father couldn't tell which was funnier, Lady Gremory slapping her husband for spoiling their daughter to the point where she left her own nephew to die...or seeing Rias spit out and choke on her mouthful of water in shock and disbelief.

They were glad Serafall had her peerage taking plenty of pictures.

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