Chapter 6

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"Sona-chan what's going on? Do you know these people?" Issei asked alarmed as he tried to break out of the hug, looking at his best friend who had a gobsmacked look on her face.

"Issei...these are some other devils. I asked my sister's Knight, Peko-nee, to request Grayfia-sama's help in training your Ice magic to hopefully buy you some more time..." Sona said straightening her glasses and hair as she regained her composure.

"But it turns out that these two...well...they're your birth parents Issei." Tsubaki finished for her King causing Issei to blink as he looked up at the gray haired woman that was still holding him as the red haired man walked into the room.

"So...why do they look so happy to see me? Didn't they abandon me? I was found when a Devil was spotted leaving an alley...and if they're Devils then couldn't one of them have left me there?" Issei asked looking confused and making Grayfia choke out a sob while Sirchez's eyes widened. Serafall herself and her peerage all grimaced at that and looked solemn.

"No! We never abandoned you! You were stolen from your crib by a Stray Devil that wanted revenge on were stolen from us when you were only a few months old. I promise you that we searched for you." Sirchez said stepping forward and looking almost heartbroken.

"It's true! I helped with the search and have kept looking ever since you vanished. Oh my name's Serafall by the way! I'm So-tan's sister." Serafall said introducing herself to the boy who was to be her brother-in-law.

"Oh so you're the beloved Onee-sama she keeps telling me abo-" Here Issei was cut off by Sona jumping on him and covering his mouth with her hands.

"Shut up Issei! She'll never let me hear the end of it!" Sona said blushing as she tried to quiet the boy that was now laughing.

"So-tan talks about me! I knew you loved me So-tan!" Serafall nearly tackled her sister in a hug while Issei laughed hard at seeing Sona struggle to try and dislodge her clingy sister.

"Ise-kun!" Sona said startled and worried when Issei's laughter began to turn into coughing harshly into his hand, alarming the Student Council as they stepped forward.

"I'm alright. It was just a small attack." Issei said smiling weakly as he removed his hand to show blood on his mouth and chin again. The sight of it alarmed the older Devils even though they had been warned that the boy was dying...being told about it and seeing it for yourself were two very different things.

"Any attack is cause for us to worry Ise-kun." Sona said finally dislodging her shocked sister as she grabbed a tissue and gently helped him wipe the blood off of his face.

"Here Issei." Tsubaki said handing the boy a glass of water as she tried to help sooth him as well.

"Thanks Tsubaki-chan." Issei said smiling up at her before looking at his shocked and horrified parents.

"And now that you know I'm sick you don't want me anymore. Understandable." Issei said sighing slightly while Sona frowned, lightly poking the Queen of Destruction to get her moving again.

"That's not it at all! It's...It's different hearing about you being sick and seeing it for myself. I still love you Lucias. I never stopped." Grayfia said softly, lovingly while reaching forward and stroking Issei's hair while he looked confused.

"Lucias?" Issei questioned with his brows furrowed.

"That's the name I gave you when you were born. Lucias Elecude Lucifuge-Gremory. You were born a month early, had Sirchez nearly blowing up the house in his panic, you were born right at 5 am on December the 1st." Grayfia said smirking at her husband who gave a sheepish grin while Serafall laughed.

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