Chapter 4

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"That offer of reincarnating you is still good whenever you want it Issei-kun. I don't want to pressure you but you seem to be getting worse faster and I hate seeing you like this." Sona said looking concerned as she helped wipe the blood off of Issei's chin when he had an attack while playing a game of chess with her. It had been a year since Sona had first offered him reincarnation and she was still unsure what to do with the knowledge of Grafiya-sama possibly having a child with someone outside of her husband Sirchez...Rias's older brother.

"I know Sona-chan but my answer is still the same. I'm not sure if this will stay with me when I become reincarnated and it's rather...painful during some attacks. I don't want to be like this for hundreds of years..." Issei said smiling weakly at his best friend and the Student Council President. Over the past year the two had become near inseparable, many mistaking them for a couple and while neither would mind the thought of dating officially...Issei didn't want to saddle her with dating a dying boy and Sona didn't want to try and date him while keeping his possible parentage a secret along with their engagement.

"I understand but please. If you die by something other than this illness...please promise that I can reincarnate you. I don't want anything to happen to you but it's better to be prepared." Sona asked gently looking at him with soft violet colored eyes.

"If I die by something other than my illness...I give you permission to resurrect me as one of your pieces." Issei finally conceded to that much, and besides she did admit there was a chance that being turned into a devil and getting a body more suited to the powers might actually help him heal from his illness.

Not only would a fully devil body help regulate his powers, but his connection to her and her water magic would help tone down his fire based powers and bolster his ice ones. That meant that the fight inside of his body for which power was dominant would end and his body would, hopefully, stop tearing itself apart.

Of course thanks to his kind nature, fondness for roses especially those made of Ice, and his refusal to date anyone most of the girls started calling him the Frozen Rose Prince. Yeah...he was as sought after as Kiba 'White Prince' Yuuto, Rias's Knight who had a habit of sneering down on Issei's when his sickly side came closer to the surface.

"Thank you're important to me and...I don't want to imagine a world where you're taken away from me by something you didn't plan for. Your sickness...I can understand...anything else...I refuse to believe it." Sona said smiling relieved at him and making him blush a bit. He had been startled to realize that he had a massive crush on Sona since around the sixth month of last year...but if the comments Tsubaki and Momo sometimes would drop...his feelings were returned.

They were, Sona just didn't know how to tell him. She didn't want to seem as if she were pressuring him to date her or become a devil for her. That was Rias's job.

Speaking of the red head she seemed to have some kind of grudge or something against Issei, spreading malicious rumors to the rest of the school. The Kendo girls and Student Council didn't believe a single one...the rest of the school...well...Sona decked one boy who caused Issei to cough up blood when he had punched the spikey brown haired boy for 'forcing Sona-Senpai to spend time with him'...the boy's jaw had been broken in two places and Tsubaki had to quickly cover for her King's enhanced strength by mentioning that her overprotective big sister had insisted Sona learn martial arts before attending public school.

Not like it was a lie. Serafall was notoriously overprotective of her baby sister and made sure she knew three ways of defending herself with just her hands and feet before she turned ten in Devil years, around one human year. Sona was also acutely aware of her Sister's Knight, Peko Pekoyama, who was Sona's self-proclaimed Guardian constantly checking in on her from the shadows even while she was at school.

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