Chapter 10

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It was the next day during third period class, math for Issei and Kiba, when Issei decided to get a bit of revenge on Kiba for all the sneers and glares the boy sent him when he was sure no one was looking.

"Kiba-san may I borrow your notes for a second?" Issei asked looking at Kiba who was reading a book to ignore all of his fangirls.

Kiba just ignored Issei causing his eyebrow to twitch.

"You can borrow my notes if you want Issei-sama!" A few girls immediately turned their attention to the more open 'Prince' and offered the requested item.

"Kiba-san what are you reading?" Issei asked trying to get a reaction out of the boy who continued to ignore him.

Looking around Issei sighed and motioned for the others to be quiet with a grin, making Reya and Momo get out their phones to record what was about to happen. They knew that grin.

"Kiba-san! Mirajane-sensei and Erza-sensei are making out...with each other!" Issei said making every boy in the class and half the girls look around wildly for the sight.

Kiba just continued to ignore Issei who finally stood up and looked triumphant.

"That proves it! Ignoring the fact that two beautiful women might be making out right in front of you!" Issei said loud enough for the whole class to hear as everyone turned towards him.

"That proves that you, Kiba-san, are GAY!" Issei said making Kiba's eyes bug out.

"HE'S WHAT!?" Most of the Kiba fans in the class yelled shocked and horrified.

"I'm WHAT?!" Kiba yelped jumping to his feet, his face red with rage and embarrassment.

"That explains why you aren't affected by all the girls practically throwing their panties in your face." Issei said nodding while a few people began muttering as Kiba growled and grabbed Issei by his shirt collar.

"No wonder he never gives us a second look."

"That explains so much."

"Yes! Now I have a chance with Kiba!" One boy cried happily.

"Screw you I'm straight!" Kiba shouted as he glared at the boy.

"Then why did I hear that you held with that one boy that got lost and needed to be escorted to the office?" Issei asked referring to the incident yesterday where a transfer student by the name of Saji had gotten lost and needed help to find his way to the office.

"I heard about that too." One girl murmured.

"Yeah I saw him holding the boy's hand. The poor first year looked rather uncomfortable but Kiba-san didn't let him go." Another girl confirmed.

"Don't listen to this abandone-" Kiba was cut off by Issei's eyes flashing as a searing heat filled Kiba's left hand and an icy coldness in his right.

"Turns out I wasn't abandoned by my birthparents Kiba-san and I'd like you not to say that I was. I met them yesterday. I was stolen from them, not abandoned." Issei said coldly to the blond who looked ready to summon a sword and run Issei through.

"You friendless littl-" Kiba began growling angrily before Momo grabbed one of his arms and twisted it, Katase grabbing the other while Murayama had her shinai out and held to his neck.

"He's not friendless and if you ever say that he is won't be good for you." Murayama said before moving and putting her shinai away just as the teacher came in.

"What's going on here?" Mirajane demanded as she walked into her classroom and saw Kiba being restrained by Momo and Katase while Issei was fixing his shirt.

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