Chapter 18

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Any idea on who you want to be in your peerage yet dear?" Sona asked smiling at her boyfriend who hummed a bit in thought from where he was relaxing as he twirled an ice rose just two days after Sona had mentioned that no one would bat an eye if they went all the way with one another. An ice rose that was soon tucked behind her ear, something that made her blush a bit but smile.

"Well I was hoping you would be alright with becoming my queen?" Issei asked making Sona blink for a moment at that, she wasn't expecting it after all. But she recovered admirably and with almost no lapse in time. If Issei didn't know her any better he wouldn't have noticed it at all. But since he knew her so well he knew that he had caught her off guard and surprised her.

"We can try but I'm not sure if it'll work like that." Sona said making Issei grin up at her as he suddenly sat up from where his head had been resting in her lap, his face now mere centimeters from her own. She was right though. There was no precedent for this kind of thing at all. Usually a King piece was just that, a King. They weren't able to be anything else. Although Issei seemed to have broken that unwritten rule by being both a King and her 'Spare' Rook.

So in theory she could be both the King of her peerage and the Queen in his. Something he quickly pointed out to her.

"Oh? But I am your knight. Even if I am a 'spare' knight. So logically if I can be both your Knight and a King then that means that you can be a King and my Queen...of course...Evil piece or not you're still my Queen. The Queen of my heart." Issei said smirking at her and making her blush a bit as her glasses began to steam up just a little bit.

"You romantic sap." Sona said blushing heavily at being called his Queen, chess piece or no chess piece.

"Your romantic sap." Issei cheerfully said making her blush a little bit harder but smile slightly. Damn right he was hers. Just as she was his.

"Yeah you are. Now hurry up and call out the piece." Sona said smiling at him and making him grin as he held out one hand and summoned his mutated queen piece. As soon as he placed it near Sona's chest it began to glow, making them both smile as it slowly sunk into her chest and he recited the small spell to make her one of his pieces.

Sona shivered as a rush of power ran over her and she felt a thrill shoot through her entire body. Her arms immediately wrapped around Issei's neck as she stared up at him with a small blush on her face.

"I didn't know that being claimed as a part of a peerage was so...thrilling..." Sona said with a slight husky tone to her words and making Issei smirk at her.

"Oh I think I had it even better. I got the thrill of the reincarnation and then the lovely feeling of waking up to your gorgeous self completely naked." Issei said his voice low and a bit husky as well as he stared at her with smoldering eyes.

"Oh? You're right you did have it better. That's a bit unfair...perhaps...we can fix that?" Sona asked smirking and her own voice was lower and much sultrier than before. It was obvious where she was going with that and Issei was glad that her house in the human world was empty at the moment since the two of them had just been relaxing and watching a movie together.

"Are you ready for that? I don't have any protection on me." Issei asked his voice and face completely serious as he stared at her and making her smile slightly in fond amusement.

"Issei we're both full blooded devils. Conception is almost guaranteed to not happen, especially on the first time. Granted your time as a half human made you more potent than any other full blooded devil, according to Ajuka-san's medical tests on you at least, it's still very unlikely that I'll get pregnant. We don't need to use protection." Sona said her voice soft but warm and loving. She knew he was only thinking of her and her reputation, after all what kind of message would it send to the rest of the school if the Student Council President ended up getting pregnant while still in school? Even if she is engaged?

Not to mention with the Fallen Angel faction making some very questionable moves lately and the stray devils trying to come into what was now officially her territory, and her territory alone, once again...she had a lot on her plate and being pregnant would just be too stressful at the moment. Besides...she had the distinct feeling that things were going to be a lot more active and dangerous soon...and if she were pregnant through it then she wouldn't be able to defend herself or help her peerage easily. And if she had an actual baby and things went horrible...then not only would she have to focus on raising and taking care of and protecting the baby alongside herself and her peerage but she'd also go absolutely apeshit if anything happened to her child. Not even counting what Issei would do.

"Then if you're certain you're ready then I should be getting you to your room, my beloved Queen." Issei said his voice low and deep in her ear as he stood up, surprising her by scooping her up into a princess carry in his arms in the same motion.

"You don't have to carry me." Sona said blushing hard and making him grin widely at her.

"Of course I do. I need to treat my queen the way she deserves to be treated." Issei said making her blush harder before she kissed him hard as he carried her up the stairs to her room.

Their clothes were being shed before they even reached her bedroom door.

They were very happy and enthusiastic to celebrate their upcoming wedding even if neither of them had ever done this kind of thing before.

It was alright though because they would learn together...and neither had any complaints at all about the enhanced stamina Devils naturally possessed.

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