Chapter 7

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"Crap I didn't think this far through!" Issei said looking at his closet and panicking. What was he going to wear on his date with Sona?! Nothing seemed good enough.

"Dad?!" Issei asked rushing downstairs and into the living room where his birth parents were talking with his adoptive ones.

"Yes?" Sirzech and Iseki Hyoudou asked at the same time as they looked up from talking about Issei to the boy himself.

"Can you both help me find something to wear for my date with Sona-chan? Everything I think of looks horrible!" Issei asked causing Iseki to blink for a second before turning his head to the kitchen.

"Honey?" Iseki called to his wife, Emiko, who poked her head out the kitchen doorway curiously.

"Yes dear?" Emiko asked tilting her head at her husband.

"Did you know Issei has a date with that nice Souna girl?" Iseki asked making Emiko smile slightly.

"F**king finally!" Emiko said making Sirzech burst out laughing and Issei face-palm.

"The rest of the Student Council said the same thing." Grayfia said amused and hiding a smile behind her hand.

"Oh please Grayfia-san. Issei has been sweet on her since halfway through last year's schooling. And whenever she's over here it's plain to see that she adores him." Emiko said smiling and waving it off while Issei blushed a bit.

"Don't worry Hyoudou-sama. Luci-Issei gets his oblivious nature from Grayfia. It took her years to notice the fact that I was sweet on her." Sirzech said snickering and still getting used to his son's name change. The Hyoudou's and Issei agreed that since he was so used to being called Issei it'd be weird to adapt now to it would be his middle name instead and he'd have all three last names.

"Please just call me Iseki Gremory-sama." Iseki said making Sirzech smile at him.

"Then please call me Sirzech. My wife and I owe you both a lot for taking in and raising our son after he was stolen." Sirzech said making Iseki smile back.

"Alright Issei. What you want to wear depends on what you want to do and how far you want to go." Iseki said turning back to his son who was looking at them in panic, he had an hour before the date but he needed twenty minutes to get there!

"Well we're going to watch that new Pokemon movie that came out and then I plan to take her to dinner and make sure she gets home safely." Issei said trying to calm down before he had an attack, causing Grayfia to walk over to him and put a hand on his back. She discreetly siphoned off some of his Ice magic to lower it down a bit so the Ice and Fire weren't so close to the surface.

"Okay and how far do you want to go? First base, second, third, all the way?" Sirzech asked grinning at his son whose eyes widened and he blushed deeply.

"Papa!" Issei said looking embarrassed while Sirzech blinked before grinning at his title. So Iseki was 'dad' and he was 'papa'...Sirzech could live with that very easily.

"Issei you're engaged to her thanks to that marriage contract her parents agreed to. It's only natural that you eventually go all the way with her." Sirzech said making both of Issei's human parents blink for a moment.

"They're engaged?!" Emiko asked shocked and causing Sirzech to look at her.

"Souna-chan is from a very prominent family and has had people seeking her hand in marriage for their sons since before Souna was even born the day her mother found out she was expecting a girl actually. Likewise both Grayfia and I are from very influential families as well and many tried to get us to agree to a marriage contract with their daughters the day Grayfia and I learned that we were expecting a boy. Unlike Souna-chan's family, except Serafall-san who is very protective of her baby sister, we didn't agree to any preferring that he followed our lead and find someone to love without politics coming into play." Sirzech began explaining to the humans in the room.

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