Chapter 12

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It was now after school and Issei was hanging out with Motohama and Matsuda, who were grilling him on when he got engaged to Sona. Well that and how far that the two had gone, which was no further than a make out session and a bit of groping on Sona's part surprisingly...but Issei sure wasn't telling them that! In fact he had punched the two for the question.

Right now they were in the park chatting about a new video game that came out that they were interested in when suddenly Issei felt something hit him. Lurching forward Issei coughed up blood and looked down, staring wide eyed at the light spear inside of his chest.

"Issei!" He vaguely heard his two friends yell as he collapsed on the ground, eyes wide but vision going hazy.

"Now I get to kill not only those two Sacred Gear wielders but that brat that turned me down!" A woman with fallen angel wings said grinning widely just inside of Issei's line of sight as she struck down Motohama and Matsuda as well.

"C-Crap...I...I don't want to die here!" Matsuda cried out as the Fallen flew off cackling, leaving the three boys dying in pools of their own blood. Motohama was already unconscious and Issei's eyesight was fading to black but they both agreed with the sentiment.

"Then how about you serve me?" A familiar voice asked as a paper in Motohama and Matsuda's pockets lit up, flying outward and summoning a magic circle. Out stepped Rias Gremory who smirked as she looked down at the two dying boys who had already lost consciousness.

"" Issei managed to name the girl who looked at him and sneered cruelly.

"Sorry but you're of no interest to me. You have no powers or anything good about you. Besides..." Here Rias grinned cruelly as she placed four pawns on Motohama and four on Matsuda.

"Think of this as my revenge for telling my brother about my actions to put you in your place. How you met him I don't even want to know." Rias said as she revived Motohama and Matsuda before taking them and leaving via another magic circle.

"" Issei weakly called for those he cherished that were devils, hoping they could hear him.

'Sorry Koneko-chan...looks like I can't be your onii-san anymore...Sorry ma-ma...papa... you just got me back and now... to' Issei's thoughts trailed off as his vision went black.

A single thought went through his head before he lost consciousness.

'Sona...I'm...sorry. to tell you...but...'

'I love you.'

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Sona was working on paperwork in the Student Council Office when she suddenly felt something strike her. Collapsing against the desk Sona held her chest with one hand while looking around for whatever hit her.

"Kaicho! Are you alright?" Tsubaki asked quickly dropping her tea and rushing to her leaders side.

"I...I'm fine. What...what hit me just now? It felt like a holy weapon." Sona asked looking at her Queen as those in the room, Reya, Momo, and Tsubasa rushed to her side as well. A loud wailing sound, not unlike that of a dying or injured cat was heard making everyone tense.

"What was that?" Momo asked alarmed, a quick motion from Tsubaki had her and Tsubasa rushing out of the room to check it out.

"Nothing Kaicho. You just jerked forward as if you had been stabbed by something." Reya said looking worried about her leader and friend.

"It...felt like I had be-" Sona suddenly stopped, her eyes widening as she heard thoughts that weren't her own.

'Sona...I'm to tell you...but...'

"Oh no. No. No no no no no no." Sona said shaking her head in denial. She didn't want to believe it but the pain in her chest and then the words in her head in his voice.

"Kaicho?!" Tsubaki asked alarmed and worried as Sona repeatedly shook her head in the negative.

It was the final sentence that she heard that cemented what she hoped wasn't true.

'I love you.' Hearing those words so weakly thought and then the pain in her chest growing...Sona could only scream the name of the one she loved as her magic responded to her emotions and flooded the school.


She didn't even notice that she was teleporting until she was already there. It took even longer, a week or so, until she realized that she had teleported without the use of a contract and without even knowing where she was going.

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Koneko was walking down the deserted hallways of the school towards the Student Council office to talk with Sona when suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. Something...felt off.

It wasn't until she heard the whisper in her mind that she realized what it was and her eyes widened.


"'t leave me." Koneko whispered, this feeling. It was similar to when her sister abandoned her was worse...much much worse.

'Looks like I can't be your onii-san anymore...'

"NO!" Koneko let out a loud wail, not even noticing her Nekomata features appearing as her wail turned cat like. Koneko collapsed to her knees and began sobbing.

No...not her big brother. Not Issei. There was a pair of feet rushing towards her, two people and familiar smells assaulted her nose but she paid them no attention.

"Koneko-sa-" Tsubasa began to kneel down beside Koneko before a piercing and heartbreaking scream echoed from the way they just came and made them shiver and pale as a flood of large magic pressure washed throughout the school.


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Grayfia was smiling slightly as she accepted the Evil Pieces from Ajuka, impressed that her son had a full set of Mutated Pieces, and looked at her husbands proud grin before she jerked forward. The pieces would have fallen from her hands if Millicias hadn't had caught them, looking up at his mother worriedly.

"Grayfia! What is it?" Sirzech asked grabbing his wife's shoulders immediately worried as she clutched her chest.

"Mother? Mother!" Millicias was calling her worriedly while Ajuka was tense and looking around for any sign that someone had attacked them.

"I...I'm not sure. It felt like a light spear had just hit m..." Grayfia cut herself off, her eyes widening when words echoed in her brain.


" not Issei...we just got him back." Sirzech whispered hearing the words as well and how weak they were. Ajuka's head whipped around alarmed at how they were acting and his eyes widened in understanding.

'You...just back...and now...'

"No. No not one of my babies. I-i just got him back. Please no." Grayfia whimpered while Millicias's eyes widened.

"Mother whose voice is that? Is that Onii-sama? Why does he sound so weak and sad?" Millicias asked as his brothers voice rang in his head as well.

'Sorry...otouto...I...never got... to'

"Is Onii-sama alright?! Mama! Daddy please! What's wrong with onii-sama?" Millicias demanded with tears in his eyes. His big brother! He sounded so sad and weak and in pain.

"Here! We have to find Issei-kun quickly. I put one of my contracts on his hand during the scan just in case. Give me the King piece!" Ajuka said retaining his head and sense more than the others did at the moment, likely because he was the only one who didn't hear Issei's voice in his head.

Millicias held out the king piece with trembling hands, Ajuka snatching it up and teleporting out without another word while the small family just begged for any higher power to listen.

Please...please let Issei be okay.

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