Chapter 2

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"Sona. To what do I owe the surprise visit?" Rias Gremory, the most lusted after girl in school, asked looking at her longtime 'friend' and rival as the Student Council Vice President used the beginning of her free period to speak with her.

"We've agreed to always inform the other if we had a prospect that we are scouting here at the school. I have one and came to inform you so that there would be no misunderstandings later." Sona said simply as she gave a pointed look to the red haired heiress who shrugged off the look.

It wasn't very well known but when Koneko was supposed to be executed it wasn't Sirchez who saved her, it was Serafall. She was an older sister herself and she knew it would have destroyed Kuroka if something had happened to the younger Neko in her absence. The only reason she was Rias's rook instead of Sona's was because Lord Gremory bribed the councilmen into letting Rias revive her before Sona could.

The current Lucifer and Leviathan were both pissed at that but helped hide the scandal before war could break out between the two families. They didn't want Sona to hurt Rias too badly and damage their friendship after all. The damage had already been done however and Sona never trusted Rias again, never telling her of the unused mutated pieces her older sister had given her as an apology.

"Oh good. I've found two prospects of my own and was just about to inform you." Rias said sounding pleased that she had more prospects than her rival.

"Issei is a first year and I have claimed him as my prospect." Sona said immediately and making Rias scoff.

"That powerless human? You can have him. His two friends, those perverts?, those are my prospects. I sense strong ice powers in one and fire in the other. Hard to tell who has which when they're around each other so often but they both can be useful to my situation." Rias said near laughing at who Sona named, making Sona's eyes narrow as she glanced at her Queen.

'They think that the strong magic is coming from his friends?' Tsubaki thought curiously to her King sounding confused.

'Ice and Fire magic mixing together especially in one person is near unheard of. That amount of power in one human is enough to kill... kill him.' Sona thought back as she mentally stuttered for a moment. His friends were so concerned and protective of him... could it be... because of the magic?

"Very well. I will mark them off as yours. When shall you tell them?" Sona asked marking something on an ever present clipboard as she disguised the fact that she had been communicating with her Queen mentally. It was a very advanced trick that her sister had taught her how to do with both her peerage and her sisters in case of an emergency. It made communicating to plan things while in class much easier than it would have been otherwise.

Sona held no illusions that if Rias knew that such a thing was possible, let alone that Sona could do it easily, she'd demand to be taught the technique.

"When they die." Rias said casually as she looked out the window, looking down at the boys near the Kendo club changing rooms. Sona looked as well and smiled at the sight of Issei ignoring the boys as he seemed to be taking a nap and smiling.

"I'll be informing Issei next month after I judge his character and observe him a bit." Sona said disproving of her friends way of 'recruiting' her pieces.

"What about him caught your eye? Aside from his powerful friends that is." Rias asked ignoring her friends disapproval of her methods. Like she cared about approval. She only was interested in the power to get out of her arranged marriage.

"He beat me at Chess." Sona said moving to leave and leaving a shocked and spluttering Rias and giggling Akeno since they too knew what that meant.

"Momo and Reya are in his class. They'll be keeping an eye on him and learning to see if he has any plans for his future already." Sona said earning a nod from her queen as two angry yells were heard and two pained screams from males. Seems like the perverts had been caught by the Kendo club.

"Look! There's another one!" One girl shouted just as Sona stepped outside.

"No! Leave Issei alone! He's been asleep this whole time." Glasses said looking alarmed at the thought of the girls attacking the sleeping teen.

"Matsu? Moto? What's going on?" Issei asked groggily as he woke up, sitting up and rubbing one eye with the back of his wrist. The Kendo club blushed at how cute Issei looked and a few squealed slightly. Even Sona blushed a bit at how cute her fiancée looked when just waking up.

"You two were peaking on girls again weren't you? I've told you both that you'll get caught and hurt." Issei said yawning slightly as he noticed the beaten up the two boys were.

"Hehe. Sorry bu-Issei!" Matsuda said looking alarmed when Issei coughed harshly, startling everyone when he took his hand away to show blood dribbling on his chin.

"I'm alright. It just hit me all of a sudden is all." Issei said waving the two off as he wiped the blood from his chin and onto his red shirt, making it blend into his shirt.

"What-Why?" One of the first year girls asked horrified while Sona and Tsubaki rushed over looking alarmed.

"I have a new illness. Not contagious, not curable. Predicted to die before I graduate. Tried to leave it behind while I was nerd but it seems like I can't." Issei said sighing while Sona felt her heart stop slightly. Her fiancée was dying? So the powers did have an effect on his body.

She'd have to make sure that he was truly a good man before she revived him and told him of their engagement. She may not wish his death but she was a pragmatist. If he had a good exterior but turned bad on the inside then she wouldn't revive him. She wouldn't want to be stuck with a husband like Riser.

"So...the reason you weren't peaking and instead were napping..." One of the first year girls said softly as she looked at the dying boy sadly.

"No offense to you ladies, you're all beautiful of course but...I refuse to get attached or try and date someone only to hurt them when I die. I'd never want to hurt someone like that. Besides. I had a really bad attack a few days ago that left me in the hospital and I'm still pretty weak from it. That's why I was sleeping." Issei said smiling at the girls who all looked embarrassed at him complimenting them but upset when they heard about him being hospitalized.

That was when Sona and Tsubaki announced their presence as they stepped forward with Sona speaking softly. Her words had the Kendo club nodding in agreement while the Pervert Duo were near crying tears of shock and sorrow. They were now off limits due to the bro-code!

"To think that you are suffering from such a thing and still able to smile...I dare say that you are one of the strongest men I have met. If anyone gives you problems...come straight to me and I'll sort them out."

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