Chapter 14

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"Issei!" Motohama and Matsuda both looked relieved when they saw the boy coming in through the school gates while holding hands with Sona next Monday. Issei had been excused from school under the guise of having been involved in a stabbing, not entirely untrue, and unable to attend for the rest of the week that he had been revived.

And since it had been Spring Break the week after no one at school aside from Sona and her peerage had seen Issei for almost two weeks now, especially since he spent most of that time in the Underworld getting to know his little brother and parents. His mother had taken more than a few photos of Millicias and Issei hanging out or playing some games together as Issei tried to spoil his little brother a bit and make up for lost time without going overboard.

According to Ajuka, his two strong but opposing powers had been tearing him apart from the inside but only because of one thing. The Stray Devil that kidnapped him had somehow turned him half human... which is partially why he was able to even get a sacred gar. It's near unheard of for pure blooded devils to have them after all despite there being a few executions like Tsubaki with her Mirror Alice. Since his body was pure devil again that meant that it was strong enough to handle the two colliding powers...but he did still have close to sixteen years worry of strain on his organs that had to heal before he'd be in top form.

Speaking of being turned into a full devil, his parents, little brother, Sona and grandparents had all been furious when he admitted that Rias had saved Matsuda and Motohama right in front of him before telling him she'd leave him to die for getting her into trouble with her brother. She had been immediately stripped of her control over Kuoh, which had technically never been hers to begin with. She had been sharing control with Sona, and even then Kuoh had been given to Sona as a birthday gift and a test of her leadership abilities by Sirzech himself the year before she started the Academy. It had been Lord Gremory that had split the control between his daughter and the Sitri heiress, which had really pissed off Sona, Serafall, and Sirzech for his manipulation.

"Awesome new hairdo." Matsuda said snickering at Issei's new silver streaked hair that was past his chin and almost to his shoulders now. Many stopped and stared as the 'Royal' Couple of the school walked into the school yard hand in hand, cementing the 'rumors' that had been going around about them being together. More than one person had copied the Student Council and Koneko in saying the, by now, common phrase of 'fucking finally'.

"Thanks. Happened after the stabbing." Issei said running a hand through his hair without thinking about it, and causing more than one school girl nearby to flush and swoon at the 'princely' action.

"How are you holding up man?" Motohama asked although he wanted to ask something else but refrained considering the fact that there were lots of people around.

"I'm fine. Hey did you guys check out that new power test going around online? Apparently it tells you what you're worth in chess pieces and what abilities you should have in that devil video game. I got two Rooks, Ice, and Dragon Fire." Issei asked giving them a subtle way to talk about what happened.

"Cool. I got four pawns and an absorption ability." Motohama said grinning as he caught on immediately.

"Really? I got four pawns too and a reflector ability." Matsuda said snickering while Sona looked mildly impressed as she adjusted her glasses. That would explain how Rias could think Issei's powers were coming from the two Perverts. Their abilities subtlety reflected his own. Given that the three often hung out around each other someone was sure to think that with Matsuda reflecting one ability and Motohama absorbing the other that Issei was a normal human.

"Interesting. I got a King Piece and Eye and Water abilities." Sona said making the two perverts freeze as they looked at her, looked at each other, looked at Issei, looked at her again and then jumped on Issei. Rather...they attempted to jump on him.

The moment they moved towards her mate, Sona's protective and possessive Devil instincts reared their head. She had both boys on the ground, her foot on one boys back and her having the other in a headlock in an instant as everyone who hadn't been paying any attention to them froze and stared.

"No one attacks Issei, especially not around me." Sona growled out her eyes flashing demonic for a split second as she tightened her hold on Matsuda.

"It's alright Sona. They weren't going to hurt me. They aren't like that remember?" Issei asked putting a hand on Sona's shoulder and causing her to relax a bit.

"My apologies. I'm still a bit... high-strung from the... incident." Sona said releasing the boys as she stepped backwards, right into Issei's open arms.

"It's fine. We probably should have known better. He did get stabbed in the chest just under two weeks ago after all." Motohama said waving it off as he stood up with a grin, although he was jealous as hell of Issei getting such a pretty girl with such goof measurements.

"Yeah we could have hurt him worse by accident. Thanks for stopping us Kaicho." Matsuda said although he was rubbing his neck with a wince.

"Should I expect you to be overprotective for a while?" Issei asked amused but understanding as he held Sona against his chest. He couldn't blame her. He'd do much much worse if he thought he thought someone was attacking her so soon after he nearly lost her.

"Yes and not just me." Sona said angling her head towards the rapidly approaching Student Council and Koneko.

"True but they aren't the ones who slapped me for scaring them and then told me that they'd do anything as long as I didn't do something that reckless or stupid again." Issei teased with a grin, not letting her forget about the immediate marriage and possible child that she had offered him while in his room naked as the day she was born.

"Shut up! Just because I meant that doesn't mean you have to tell everyone!" Sona said tilting her head back to glare up at Issei, who had grown a few inches during his transformation, even though her face was a deep vibrant red.

"Alright I won't mention it again." Issei said laughing as he kissed her forehead, causing her to glare at him sternly again before cooling down a bit.

Her face had just returned to normal before Koneko reached forward and touched Sona's stomach, looking up at the couple 'innocently'. Her words had the Students jaws dropping, Student Council grinning or snickering, and both Issei and Sona turning as red as Rias's hair. Koneko just tried her best not to laugh.

She knew there was no baby on the way (yet at least). She could still sense the two's purity intact. That didn't stop her from being a chaos bringing troll though.

"Does it have something to do with kaa-san and tou-san telling mom and dad about possibly having grandkids on the way?"

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