~ Prologue ~

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I wrote this book when I was 14, but I never completed the publishing because I thought it was way too bad. To be honest, it's not as terrible as I thought it was.
I'm currently working on a much better Scorbus AU. I've been writing that since March, so keep your eyes out for it - but don't expect it until at LEAST January 2021. This story is old, hardly reflecting how I write now. I believe it was finished sometime around September, last year.
I hope you enjoy it, either way. I don't know if I'll post the whole thing.


DISCLAIMER: none of these characters are mine, my ideas or my personal work. They all belong to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury and Warner Bros Studios.
Please read the author's note!!

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"Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Snow drifted slowly to the ground, littering the green grass with the first snowflakes of the season. Bubbly teenagers ran around outdoors: catching snowflakes and shaking snow from their hair while chasing their friends around. Laughter and yelling filled the air. It seemed the whole castle was boiling over with excitement for the upcoming holidays.

Seemingly forgotten beside the lake was a tall blonde reading silently, his pink, puffy eyes absorbing the words written on the pages of his potions textbook. Tear tracks stained the the blonde's cheeks from his sobbing moments before — when he'd escaped the castle to cry.

Scorpius Malfoy didn't care that he spent most his time alone. In fact, he'd spent majority of his childhood by himself reading in his father's library, trying not to disturb his parents. When he wasn't alone, he was with his mother — his favorite person on planet earth.

Astoria Malfoy was his best friend, he missed her more and more each day.

Scorpius had never been a very confident crier, he often just needed time to himself when he was upset. Albus Potter —Scorpius' best and only friend — usually left Scorpius alone until he's was ready to talk to him again. That was what Scorpius loved about Albus, he understood the Malfoy better than anyone on the planet.

However, since he was a child, his father had tried to teach Scorpius emotional strength. He'd told him not to cry over the small things, after all everyone had always taught him Malfoy's don't cry.

Despite this, Scorpius simply adored his father. He looked up to the man and respected him more than he ever had anyone else. He knew that their relationship was far from perfect but he appreciated how much Draco tried to be there for his only family member.

However, the boy wasn't crying because he was sad about his mother's death. In reality, he was crying because of Polly Chapman, the most popular girl in the boy's year. She'd just successfully embarrassed him in front of the majority of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He'd passed his best friend Albus on the way out of the hall— well, not really passed considering he'd crashed into the kid — but hadn't said anything, he had needed his space and Albus knew to respect that.

Scorpius wished he was strong enough to talk to his friend about his problems, but he wasn't. He always ran away and hid until he could get over it. He didn't want to worry his friend, who tended to focus more on himself anyway.

He wept quietly under the willow tree for a while, wondering if the torment he faced daily would ever end. If people noticed his pain, they didn't bother helping.

After all, who would help the 'son of Voldemort'? He'd curse you if he had the chance!

Scorpius hated that he was in no way perfect. He was quite the opposite actually, everyone knew it. Nobody had ever said anything to him that would allow him to gain self-confidence. Despite this, Scorpius is quite possibly the most positive person you could ever come across. He nearly always had something to laugh about, nearly always had a smile on his face and was nearly always walking with a spring in his step.

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Albus Potter's world gets a lot darker when Scorpius Malfoy cries. He hates it more than anything, as he didn't believe someone as kind as Scorpius Malfoy ever deserved to be upset. His friend was the only person who could always make him smile when he was sad, simply by being himself. He meant the world to Albus, they were best friends, after all.

Hours earlier, he'd watched his friend run from the hall with his head down, loud sobs escaping his figure. It broke his heart as he wanted to console Scorpius, he knew the blonde wouldn't accept it.

Albus knew the Malfoy didn't want support when he was upset, perhaps he didn't need it. Scorpius had always done his best to hide his sadness from Albus, which stemmed from the brunet's mistake of forgetting to ask how his best friend was feeling. When he had remembered — he'd get blocked out with a watery smile and hug.

Albus had never actually seen the boy cry, today was the most he'd ever been to witnessing it. He hoped it wasn't his fault Scorpius was so distant with everyone as Albus knew he was self-centred.

However, there was one human he vowed to always put before himself — that lucky person was Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

─── 。゚☆:*. .* :☆゚. ───


I really hope you enjoy my book, it's gonna take you on a wILD ride. I wanted to write a story that didn't just focus on Albus & Scorpius, but told the stories of other characters I love with my whole heart as well.
I know I won't have the motivation to write about them when this is done, so I will tell them here while I'm inspired ;)
A lot happens, I'm not kidding.
Anyway — enjoy!
PS: The quotes hint at what happens in chapters, enjoy them x

Smile at a stranger today :)
─ Ash x

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