1.2 AIJA

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Aija quickly got herself to her room, the knowledge of her proximity with him scaring her, and called Zuri on her All Inclusive Voice Input and Output - AIVIO - Scroll.

"What?" Zuri answered. "I'll be there by eight."

"Zu! Zu I just met him!"

"Did you speak properly this time?"

"What? No not Ze. I meant that spy from the Apartment. I ran into him while I was taking the stairs." Aija shouted into the device as she changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

"Really? Do you think he knows where you live?"Zuri asked changing the call to a video chat.

Her image popped up on the wall onto the DigiScreen frame. Aija accepted the video call and stood in front of the DigiScreen looking at a surprised Zuri. The thought of the young man knowing where she lived scared her. She looked around the Apartment, nothing seemed out of place.

"I'm... I'm not sure, Zu. I'm scared now."

"Don't worry. Come over to my place tonight. Let's ask Ze to come here."

"Fine, I'll come soon."

"Yes," Zuri said nodding.

Aija showed up at Zuri's place a mere half hour later, a backpack in tow.

"I'm sleeping here tonight and tomorrow night as well." She declared setting the bag on a chair.

"Sure. What's up with the pain patch on your ankle?"

"I twisted my leg when I fell."

"Did he hurt you?" Zuri was anxious.

"No. Not intentionally." Aija admitted, remembering their encounter.

"What is it?" Zuri demanded when she seemed to hesitate.

"He had the weirdest eyes ever. Have you ever seen anyone with pink eyes?"

"Pink? I'm sure you didn't see properly, Ai."Zuri said sitting on the small couch. She'd changed into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"No Zu. I am very sure his eyes were pink. And blue..."

Zuri sighed, unable to say anything to convinceAija.

"Well Ai, it looks like he's after you"

Aija groaned. "If he was he could have just taken me today. I was right in front of him. And he seemed genuinely concerned about my ankle."

"What are you suggesting, Ai?"

"I don't know, maybe....maybe we are unnecessarily doubting him. It could've been all a coincidence? He did have a chance to kidnap me today."

"I can't believe you are defending him!" Zuri sounded exasperated.

Zuri's Scroll chimed just as Aija started to say something. "New message from Ze Roan." It declared.

"Read it." Zuri commanded.

The Scroll read out, "Hi Zuri. Just wanted to know where I am supposed to meet you. Let me know."

"Why did he send it to you?" Aija was hurt.

"Probably, since I invited him. Don't worry I'll leave you two by yourselves. But, be sure you find your voice and not stare at him like an idiot."

"I don't stare!"

"Really?" Zuri teased. "Anyway, I've got something nice today for us."

She went into the kitchen and brought out two bottles. The blue shimmery liquid fizzed as she held one out to Aija.

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