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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai, and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Luka, and Nala go to the South Land. Luka admits that they are there for a Harvest. While they are on the Harvest, they get stopped by a group of people - the Zayr. Aija and Ze meet Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. Ze and the Princess have an instant connection. The Prince has requested Aija and Ze to meet him. Prince Irih' va and Aija have a conversation about the Àvo; he explains how it works. Aija seems to like the Prince. The Prince gives Aija a strand of his golden hair - for protection. Irih' va sees Aija in his future but isn't sure she will choose him. He wants her to choose him. Irih' va catches Ze using his powers, and he shows Ze that he, too, has the same powers.

---- Xan, who was Harvested, is now residing in a kitten. He is with Aija, and Ze, with the three Ytai - Thieron, Nala, and Luka.

---- He's by himself when they all are on the South Land. He goes to his home in Innermost.

----He sees his family and Vaughn. His message has been relayed to his family. He decides to help Aija with stopping the aliens. 

----Xan gives Vaughn a message when he is half-asleep.


****31.2 - Vaughn****

Vaughn blinked awake as Royd called him for dinner. The room was completely dark now that night had settled. He let out a breath and sat up. He switched on the light and went to wash his face. 

That's when he looked at the paw-print on his palm. 

Vaughn froze; his heart was pounding against his ribcage. Only Xan knew to do that, to leave thumbprints. Only did they do it as kids. He walked back into the room, heart beating like crazy. He looked around and found the ink pad on the floor, and the open note on the bed. He picked it up. It had a paw print too. 

His knees gave way, and he collapsed on to the floor as the words came flooding back. 

"Yes, Vaughn. It is me. I've missed you like crazy, Vaughn. It's okay to miss me, but you need to move on. Do it for me. I'll fight for a better Earth, for you, for my family, for your family. I love you, Vaughn, I always have, I always will.

Tears slid down his cheek. It was Xan's voice he remembered. He had come back as a cat. Xan had whispered messages like this several times, especially when they spent time with each other during the summer at home from school and used to take afternoon naps. Xan had always woken up first being a light sleeper. 

Vaughn looked around the room, but it didn't seem like he was there anymore. 

Vaughn had been asleep not knowing Xan was right next to him. Ingrid had been right; the cat had reminded him too of Xan. He had come back to see them. It didn't make sense – Xan as a cat; but Vaughn knew in his heart that it had been him. 

He looked at the paw-print on the note and his palm; his heart was brimming with equal parts hope, love, and hurt. 

"I love you too, Xan," he whispered.



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