32.1 ZURI

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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Luka, and Nala go to the South Land. Luka admits that they are there for a Harvest. While they are on the Harvest, they get stopped by a group of people - the Zayr. Aija and Ze meet Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. Ze and the Princess have an instant connection. The Prince has requested Aija and Ze to meet him. Prince Irih' va and Aija have a conversation about the Àvo; he explains how it works. Aija seems to like the Prince. The Prince gives Aija a strand of his golden hair - for protection. Irih' va sees Aija in his future but isn't sure she will choose him. He wants her to choose him. Irih' va catches Ze using his powers, and he shows Ze that he, too, has the same powers.

----Zuri had visited the Oshiros and seen the home Aja had grown up in.

----Zuri is sad about what Nala has done. She really does like Nala.


****32.1 - Zuri****

'My favorite color is the color of your eyes. I like you – terribly so. And I don't like being apart from you.' 

Zuri gasped awake, the residue of Nala's sweet voice cushioning her consciousness. 

Her breath was shallow and rapid as she sat up to drink some water, hoping it would calm her. Even after Nala had betrayed her, Zuri couldn't get her off her mind. 

"Is everything fine?" Kuna was standing at the foot of her bed. He had been spending days and nights at her place, often sleeping on the couch in the main room. 

She nodded. 

"You were crying in your sleep," he told her concern in his eyes. 

He hadn't tied his hair into a bun again, and the curls framed his face. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, and he looked exhausted. Ever since he had seen Aija with Thieron that night, he had been even more on edge. And Zuri felt that he was blaming himself for Aija's current situation. 

Zuri's fingers went to her cheeks. Tears had streaked down, leaving wet trails. She wiped them away, aware of Kuna's eyes on her. It was still dark outside, and she still had some time before school. 

"Did you honestly love Nala?" 

Zuri's head snapped towards Kuna. He looked sad. It hurt more than if he would have been angry. 

"You kept saying her name in your sleep," Kuna said, as a way of explaining his question. 

I still do; apparently, she thought begrudgingly. 

"It was a mistake," she said instead. "I didn't know who she was, let alone that she wasn't human." 

Kuna didn't respond. He nodded once at her and left her room. 

Zuri lay back in bed, though she was now wide awake. She didn't want to start the day yet. It was painful without Aija and Ze. 

It looked like the Secures had almost given up on the search. Not that they were of any real help. But, it had the Oshiros insanely worried. 

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