38.2 AIJA

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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Luka, and Nala go to the South Land. Luka admits that they are there for a Harvest. While they are on the Harvest, they get stopped by a group of people - the Zayr. Aija and Ze meet Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. Ze and the Princess have an instant connection. The Prince has requested Aija and Ze to meet him. Prince Irih' va and Aija have a conversation about the Àvo; he explains how it works. Aija seems to like the Prince. The Prince gives Aija a strand of his golden hair - for protection. Irih' va sees Aija in his future but isn't sure she will choose him. He wants her to choose him. Irih' va catches Ze using his powers, and he shows Ze that he, too, has the same powers.

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Nala, and Luka go to the Ker'zan. Ze and Aija escape from the three Ytai. Ze tells Aija about the escape Prince Irih' va has offered them. Ze leaves, accepting the escape offer. Aija rejects the escape offer and goes back in to find Luka. Luka, when he searches for Ze, finds Aija running away. He is intercepted by Kuna - who is prepared for an attack. Luka tackles Kuna, and the Gale starts to attack. He sees that Aija is captured other H'eon Ytai.

----Iyler tries to rescue Aija, but she refuses, insisting to go back to Luka.

----Nala sees Etrie, Zuri, and Maya. She sees that Etrie has a gun. Nala's bond is hurting terribly, and she wonders where Ze is.

----Zuri goes with Etrie, Kuna, and Maya to the Ker'zan. She sees Nala there.

----Kuna dies protecting her.


****38.2 - Aija****

Aija's hands were bound at her front as she struggled, trying to reach for the stone around her neck. She wanted to try it; to escape. But, the Ytai man held her tightly as the other man tied her hands with something metallic. It emitted a faint pulse of electricity, but it didn't burn her. 

The men spoke to each other in Ytèan, and she felt herself flinch as the men looked at her like she was prey.

She couldn't get out of the man's hold. He was immensely strong - he was Ytai, after all. They dragged her towards the balcony and made their way down the stairs. Aija saw many Gale members climbing down the opposite side of the double-stairs, shooting at the Ytai. 

"Let go!" she yelled. 

"You are great prize." the man dragging her told her as if that was enough explanation. 

Aija looked downstairs, found Luka, Thieron, Nala, Etrie, Maya, and Zuri. Zuri... They had come for her. It was too dangerous for Zuri there. 

Etrie was pointing a gun at Thieron. 

Luka looked like he was making his way to Thieron. She called out to him. 

'Go to Luka.' Ze's voice was still in her head. 

Luka looked up at her, and his expression changed from anger to horror as he saw her being dragged away. 

When she called out for Luka, not only had Luka turned to her, but so had Thieron. His small movement cost him dearly. 

Etrie fired the gun the same moment Thieron looked at her; his eyes widened in surprise. The single-shot rang loudly even through the chaos. 

And, Aija instantly felt it in her chest as though she'd been the one shot. It burned, and she found it difficult to breathe. 

She heard a scream – her own. The bond around her wrist flared up in immense heat. The bond was afire. The heat burned through her whole being, flaring up the burning sensation in her chest. 

She was on fire one moment. 

Then she felt nothing as darkness took over.



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