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The story so far: 

---- Aija is a Volunteer at the Pristine School at Innermost. She works along with Zuri and Ze, who are her friends. Aija witnesses a strange event one night – light emanating from Rez's body. The man is after her next, but he leaves her alive and goes away. Another man finds her, he wants to take her somewhere else - Aija though wary of him agrees. Zuri finds that Aija and Ze are both not at her Apartment. She goes to Market alone when Aija doesn't answer her calls. She meets Nala there, they spend some time together. Zuri arrives at her Apartment to find that another kidnapping as occurred. Zuri is worried about Aija now, who still hasn't contacted her.

---- Ze woke to find himself in the basement, still. He goes back home, and he hears news that there is a kidnapping. He goes to check it out and finds Zuri, who tells him she is unable to contact Aija.

---- Later, they find Aija returning to the Apartment, but Ze finds something off about her.


****6.1 - Goldstar****

It was well past midnight by the time he arrived at Innermost.

Tailyn Ever was already waiting for him at the Terra Turbo Station, as was informed.

"Good morning, Sir." Tailyn bubbled with enthusiasm despite the late hours. Tailyn picked up his luggage – a small bag – and smiled. "May the Earth stay strong and proud."

He nodded, saying, "May the Earth stay strong and proud." and followed Tailyn out the Station, his coat billowing behind him. He wore his oversized coat almost always. Not that it ever got cold – the temperature was always maintained to be a constant pleasant one - but because he liked the feel of it and how it made him look.

"It's a twenty-minute walk from here, Sir," Tailyn said, leading the way.

"Yes." He agreed. He knew Innermost of Pristine City One well. He had been born there, and he had lived there for a very long time before moving away.


"Call me Goldstar like everyone." he interrupted. "There is no necessity for formality."

"Um...yes, Sir...I mean Goldstar." Tailyn stammered.

"You were saying?" Goldstar prompted.

"How long are you here for, Sir? Um...Goldstar?"


"I'd love to work with you for the entire time," Tailyn said eagerly. "You are so young, I hadn't expected it..." he added, gushing.

"What were you expecting, Tailyn?" Goldstar asked, amused.

"An older person - someone in their forties or fifties."

Goldstar smiled. No one expected him to be young, he was used to it.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Goldstar let Tailyn Ever lead the way even though he knew the route, through the high-rise buildings of Innermost, the myriad colored lights making the place all the more magical at night. Tailyn was young, around eighteen or nineteen. Goldstar instantly perceived that he was new. His cheery demeanor was proof enough – no one who had been in this long enough could be that cheerful.

When they reached the school, Goldstar said, "Disable the SecureCams and distract the drones. Wait here for me."

"But..." Tailyn started.

"No. You are not coming with me." Goldstar cut in.

Tailyn stuck out his lower lip unconsciously and took out the signal interceptor.

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