1. Little miss diva

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It was just another day for me and Janae. Janae is my 7 months old daughter. I just got done giving Janae a bath. She was absolutely adorable. Since I have Janae in my life I'm happier than ever. She has changed me into a better person.

•—< >—•


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Liked by Zionkuwonu, Edwinhonoret
and 55,634 others

JAYLENCHARLIZE Little miss diva 💗

View all 544 comments

ZIONKUWONU Look at her being cute 🥺
ZIONKUWONU I'm coming over rn 😁

RANDOM72 Cutest in the game

HATER How did someone like you create something so beautiful...

RANDOM You make me want a baby too 😳

ANSLEY_MITCHELL_ Tell me when you need a babysitter again 👀  

FAN35 Does she already have teeth?
JAYLENCHARLIZE She does! But you
     cant see them in this picture.

ELOMKUWONU I'm her favorite Kuwonu😌
JAYLENCHARLIZE And who exactly
     made you believe that?
JAYLENCHARLIZE @missreine come get
     your brother 🤦🏽‍♀️
MISSREINE Nah I don't claim him

RANDOM4 ^ Her relationship with the Kuwonu family is to die for 😢❤️

HATER789 She's ugly
JAYLENCHARLIZE Talk about me all you
     want but don't say a word about my
     daughter. She is the sweetest, most
     beautiful, cutest little creature. Don't like
     seeing my daughter? Hop off my page then.
JAYLENCHARLIZE Nvm you're blocked.

•—< >—•

I used to hoe around, go out all the time and not give a shit about my future. But now that I have her I do. Everything I do is for her. She's my purpose to live.

When I found out I was pregnant I didn't know what to do. I wasn't on my best.
Everything was going wrong in my life. I had a shitty boyfriend, James, who cheated on me several times. I just kept going back to him because I was too scared to be alone.

I mostly raised Janae with Zion. Zion is my best friend. But also the reason why James and I eventually broke up. For real this time.
James cheated on me for the 700th time so when I found out I decided to go out and have some fun. Zion and I did some things that night and one thing lead to the other. Let's just say we had a lot of fun together that night.

James found out and the next day all of my stuff were outside on the porch. Everybody knew what happened but we agreed not to talk about it again.
When I tried to reach out to James to tell him he was going to be a father, he blocked me on everything and threatened to kill me if I ever came near him again.

•—< >—•

Zion was on his way here. He helped me raise Janae. Janae And Zion have a really good bond. He's always here when I need him.

Zion and the boys only live 10 minutes away from here. They offered me to move in with them but I thought it would be better for Janae and I to have our own place.

Once I was done bathing Janae I put on a cute outfit for her. (Photo below)

After we were both ready I went downstairs

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After we were both ready I went downstairs. I grabbed the iPad and put something on for Janae to watch while we wait for Zion. It didn't take long before the doorbell rang. When Janae heard the doorbell she got all excited.

I opened the front door and there stood a smiling, tall and handsome Zion in front of me. I opened the front door a bit more so he could walk in. Zion took his shoes off and walked into the living room. When Janae saw Zion it was almost like she started dancing. She held her hands in front of her signing Zion to pick her up. I love seeing them together.

When Zion picked her up she gave him a big hug and kissed him all over his face.

"Damn she missed me that much?" Zion smiled.

"Nah she's just acting." I said in a sarcastic way.

"Nah don't give me that sass." Zion said while pointing his finger at him.

"Whatever Caleb." Whenever I tried to make Zion mad I just said his first name. He doesn't like it when I call him by his first name. I don't know why tho. I think it's cute.

Zion turned to Janae and said "Tell yo momma to stop playing." Janae couldn't stop smiling when he said that. She really does love him.

I couldn't get enough of them. I am really lucky to have a best friend like him.

"Can I get some quality time with lil J?" Zion asked. Lil J is Zions nickname for her.

"I- You really only came here for Janae..." I tried to act as hurt as possible.

"Today is all about Janae. Tomorrow is your turn." Zion walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but blush at his actions.

"S-So you're staying over?" My body was now filled, full of excitement.

"I can't leave the two of you all alone in this big ass house, can I?" Zion said.

"This is why we love you Kuwonu." I said with my hands on my chest.

"I know, I know. Now go do your nails or something. I'll take care of Janae." He said and shoved his credit card in my hand.


Word count: 891 words
Date published: August 26th 2019

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