2. Movie night

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A few hours later
I went to the nail salon to do my nails and went the hairdresser to get my hair a shade blonder.

Jaylens hair;

Before I went to the nail salon I asked Zion which color I should do for my nails and he told me to do yellow

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Before I went to the nail salon I asked Zion which color I should do for my nails and he told me to do yellow. Because according to him I always do the same color.

Jaylens nails;

When I came home Zion was bringing Janae to bed

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When I came home Zion was bringing Janae to bed. She kept falling asleep in his arms so he thought this was the perfect time to bring her to bed. I knew Zion would be hungry so I brought him some sushi.

"Jay you know you didn't have to." Zion said while grabbing us some plates to eat from.

"I was hungry and we both know that you'd get mad if I didn't bring you anything." I said while rolling my eyes. We both grabbed the pieces of sushi we wanted and sat down on the couch.

"Let's watch a movie. Just like old days." I was happy to hear him say that. This is the perfect way to end the day.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked. He responded telling me that I could choose and I didn't hesitate to say 'the sun is also a star'. I've seen the trailer and let me tell you I've been waiting to see this movie for the longest.

"I was thinking more about a horror movie." He looked at me with a 'really nigga' face.

"You know I hate horror movies." I hate horror movies. The only nice thing about it was that I got to cuddle with Zion. Whenever we watch a horror movie I never really pay attention. I just lay there, in Zions arms.

"That's the funny thing about it." He had to laugh and I punched him in his chest for that.

Zion eventually gave up and agreed to watch the sun is also a star. We grabbed some more pillows and a blanket. Snacks weren't needed because we already had sushi. 

Halfway the movie
I was cuddled up with Zion. My back was facing him. Out of boredom I turned around, grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers. Zion didn't seem to be bothered, he just kept on watching the movie.

I wanted his attention tho. But I didn't know how to get his attention so I just started to hum one of his songs. It didn't work so I just said "I'm bored."

I was hoping for a little bit of action, but "What do you want me to do about that then?" was all I got.

My eyes started getting heavier and heavier. I was trying not to fall asleep so I played with his dreads and focused on his breathing. This wasn't working either.

"Zion I'm getting bored." I spoke up.

"You were the one that wanted to watch this movie and I'm kinda feeling it right now." He said not taking his eyes off of the television.

"You need to give me attention." I whined. He didn't respond so I tried everything. I hit him, I 'accidentally' made myself fall off the couch, I started fake crying, I pretended to vomit but nothing worked...

That's when an idea popped into my head. I don't know how this will turn out but it's worth the try.

I looked at Zions lips and then back to his eyes. I wanted to kiss him, but I'm scared because I don't know how he'll react. Sure, he tells me he loves me all the time, but just as friends I guess. I started leaning in which caught his attention.

I was planning on tricking him but we were getting closer and closer.  The closer he got to me, the more nervous I got. Zion didn't seem to be so nervous. He looked at my lips, up at me and then back at my lips. A while later, without a warning he smashed his lips against mine. We've kissed before but this time was different.

We both weren't paying attention to the movie anymore. All we were focused on, was each other. We were kissing, scratch that, Making out for a good 5 minutes when Zion grabbed my thighs and pulled me on top of him. Sitting on his lap brought back some memories. I trailed kisses down his jawline and down his neck.

"S-stop teasing ma." He struggled to get these words out of his mouth. Him calling me ma was a huge turn on to me. Right when shit was about to get heated we got interrupted...

Interrupted by little cries of my daughter. Great timing Janae I thought to myself.

I got off of Zion to go to Janae her room. Just when I wanted to walk away Zion grabbed my wrist and said "Not so fast. I want another kiss." I turned back around and sat back down on Zions lap. Being the tease that I am, I kissed him more passionately than a few minutes ago. I started grinding a bit which made Zion groan.

"Can't you just let her cry for a bit? I want you so bad right now." Zion said in between kisses.

"As much as I want to, I can't do that Z."

"Just know we're not done yet." Zion said with a big smirk on his face. He smacked my ass and allowed me to get up.

"Believe me, we are." I answered. Zion rolled his eyes at my response.


Word count: 930 words
Date published: August 26th 2019

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