3. Girlfriend?

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One week later
It's been one week since that night with Zion. He stayed the night that day, but nothing happened.

That night made things kinda awkward between us. I have been avoiding him ever since. Whenever he wants to come over I had an excuse to keep him away.

I have been stalking his Instagram tho. He has been hanging around with this girl called Sammi. I haven't met her yet, but she's already getting on my nerves. They're always together, it makes me sad. But then again I'm always turning him down when he wants to come over.

Right now Janae is taking a nap, while I'm cooking dinner for us. I was listening to music when I got a text.


Zion 🥺🥰
I'm coming over right now.

Zion 🥺🥰
And don't even think about
making up an excuse this time
READ 6:42 PM

When I read the text, I thought about pretending I wasn't home. But Zion and I have our locations on, so he can see exactly where I am. I ran out of excuses so the only thing left to do, was face Zion for the first time after 1 week.

One minute later the bell rang... He was already here, asshole. I hesitated on opening the door but I had no other choice.

I opened the door to Zion standing hand in hand with a girl, with the biggest smile on his face. It didn't take me long to figure out who the girl was... it was Sammi. I've never regretted opening a door this bad in my entire life... We kinda just stood there in silence. It was really awkward until Zion spoke up.

Zion: "Well are you going to let us in or what?"

I moved out of the way and opened the door wider so they could walk in. They took their shoes off and went straight to the couch. They sat next to each other while I sat on the other side of the room on my loveseat. Sammi was sitting really close to Zion. She even had her legs over his lap. She was a getting a little to comfortable if you ask me.

Jaylen: "So what made you guys come over?"
Zion: "Well I haven't seen you in a week and I wanted to introduce my girlfriend to my bestfriend.

Girlfriend... that hit hard. Their instagrams made it pretty obvious, but I guess reality hit me when he said it straight to my face. I kinda got friend zoned which hurt.

Jaylen: "Awee, congrats!!" Was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.
Sammi: "Thanks girl."
Jaylen: "So how long have you two known each other for?"
Sammi: "Well lets say, I've had a crush on him for a couple of months now and he had a crush on me too but was just playing hard to get."
Zion: "I just didn't know what I was missing until now."
Sammi: "And he was always busy babysitting some girls baby that couldn't handle it herself."
Zion: "That's enough Sammi, shut up."

I hope she wasn't talking about Janae, cause I'm not afraid to smack a bitch if I have to.

Jaylen: "Oh really?"
Sammi: "Yes! And I'm like, why get a child when you can't handle it. You should've kept your legs closed."

Right at that moment Janae started crying. It was like god heard my prayers.

Jaylen: "I'll be right back. Make yourselves at home."
Zion: "I'm coming with you."
Jaylen: "Nah I'm good."

When I walked upstairs, Zion followed me anyway. I didn't want to speak to him right now. We almost had sex and then a week later he turns up at my front door with a whole ass girlfriend. And the things his little girlfriend said about Janae and me...

Zion: "Jaylen just let me explain."
Jaylen: "Explain what? You having a girlfriend after we almost had sex a week ago? Or the way she's talking about me and my daughter?
Zion: "You know I would never say those things about you and Janae... I tried to stop her but she didn't listen."
Jaylen: "well good job on 'trying' Zion. Now if you don't mind I'm going to get my daughter and have a nice dinner with her.
Zion: "We're staying too. Let me make this up to you."
Jaylen: "I think it's best if you leave..."
Zion: "I'm not leaving you alone right now."
Jaylen: "I won't be alone, I have Janae."
Zion: "Jaylen please..."
Jaylen: "Whatever. But one more word from your girlfriend about me or my daughter and you're both out."

I walked downstairs with Janae in my hands. Sammi saw me and looked disgusted when she saw that I had Janae in my hands. Once she saw Zion she faked a smile and said "aweee such a cutie. Is she yours?" I simply replied with "yup."

'This is going to be a long night' I thought to myself.

Word count: 838 words
Date published: August 28th 2019

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