11. Brokenhearted girl?

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Sammisanchez Y'all really thought we were going to break up?! He proposed y'all ❤️ @zionkuwonu

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Sammisanchez Y'all really thought we were going to break up?! He proposed y'all ❤️ @zionkuwonu

Jaylens POV
I couldn't believe my eyes. I reread the caption over a hundred times. I refreshed my page. I even restarted my phone twice.

Here I am putting my guard down again, for a nigga that obviously doesn't want me. I don't care what's going on with him, but I won't give him a chance anymore after this. I thought we were gonna go somewhere from here. But I guess I, once again, thought wrong...

I was heartbroken... And the first thing I did when I realized this wasn't a dream, was call Malyn (my half sister). She always knows how to calm me down. And I need her, before I have a mental breakdown. That can't happen, especially not in front of Janae.

2 hours passed
Janae was fast asleep in her bed, while I was balling my eyes out in Malyn's arms. I didn't have to tell her what happened cause she already saw it. Everybody saw it. In all frustration I turned my phone off, not being able to take it anymore.

We ended up watching all these love movies, making me even more sad than I already was. Every little thing in the movies made me think about him. It was like he was everywhere. As much as I hated it, a part of me loved it too.

One week later
"Come on lazy ass. You can't stay in bed forever. " Malyn yelled from outside my bedroom door.
"If it were up to me, I would." I sad with my head in my pillow.
She opened my bedroom door and said "And stop talking with your head in your pillow, I can't hear shit you're saying when you do that." When she said that a big sigh escaped from my mouth.

A week has passed and I'm still sad. I try my best to just push the feeling away, but I can't help it. Zion usually helps me with Janae, but there's no way I'm going to speak to him anytime soon. So Malyn has been helping me with Janae for the past few days.

"Have you heard anything from him?" Malyn asked me. "I blocked him on everything the second I saw that post. So I think you can guess the answer." I said with sarcasm in my voice. "You said you would unblock him 2 days ago." She sighs. "Why should I? He knew how I feel about him, but he still fucked up." I shrugged.

"If you guys are meant to be, everything will be alright." She rolled her eyes at me. "Bullshit. Love isn't for me. We weren't even in a relationship and he broke my heart even more than my stupid ex, whose name I don't even want to say, did." I clenched my fists.

"I'm going to ignore you and go do some grocery shopping, since you haven't left the house since it happened." She said as she got out of my room. "No wait, you're coming with me." She sad before pulling me out of bed.

Both Janae and I got ready. Malyn was already done, since she always wakes up hella early. Right when we wanted to leave, the doorbell rang. I didn't expect anyone so I was kind of scared. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. This was the worst decision I've ever made...

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