18. Complicated

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I let Zion in and we made our ways to the living room. I had an L shaped couch. Zion was sitting on one side and I was sitting on the other side. We have been sitting here for 15 minutes now and none of us said a word. Zion has just been staring at Josiah like he just seen a ghost.

I didn't know what to say. "Hi this is you're son I have been hiding from you. Because I was scared to tell you." That wouldn't do anything but cause more tension between us.

"So how have you been?" Thank god, he finally spoke. "I-I have been alright. How about you?" I asked. I was a little shaky. You can't blame me tho, cause the father of my child is sitting in front of me. After I ghosted him for a year.

"I missed you. I've been a mess since you left." He said while looking at the ground as he played with his fingers. "I'm sorry." Is all I could get out at this point. It was all so overwhelming. "You left so sudden. I tried to find call you, dm you, FaceTime you and he'll I even tried to email you. But you moved, deleted your social media's and changed your number."

"This is all so complicated Z." I'm a mess right now. Seeing him this way makes me wanna hug him so bad. "I don't care how complicated everything is, as long als you don't disappear again. I can't manage to loose you again. It'll break me even more."

I didn't say anything, because I can't promise him anything. I lifted Josiah up and walked away. Not later I heard footsteps behind me. "Don't walk away please." I heard a sad Zion. I opened the door to Janae's room to find her sleeping. "She misses you." I said. "What?" He is still as clueless as a year ago. "I wasn't walking away, You deserve to see her.  

It was that moment when he realized we were in Janae's room. "You can wake her up if you want to, otherwise she's not going to sleep tonight." He didn't hesitate for one second. He immediately picked her up and walked back to the living room.

She woke up on the way there. When she realized who had picked her up she held on to him tighter than ever. As if she was scared to let him go. She was still a bit tired but she tried to stay awake because of Zion.

"I missed you lil J." He said as he kissed her cheek. Janae's cheeks got a little red. This is the first time I've ever seen my daughter blush.  "Did you miss me too?" He asked. She just slightly shook her head up and down. "I'll give you guys some privacy. I need to make his bottle anyways." I said before heading to the kitchen with Josiah.

I could see janae and Zion laughing from the kitchen. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. Zion tickled Janae making her giggles even harder than they were before.

"We got some catching up to do." I didn't even realize that he was standing behind me now. "Who is this little man you're babysitting?" Zion asked.

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