5. Breakfast place

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A/N: there can be mistakes in it but I'm too lazy to read it again right now 🤕 anyways enjoy reading 😋

Zion's POV

Jaylen hasn't been talking to me since I went by with Sammi. I don't blame her tho... The way Sammi talked to her wasn't ok at all. Janae is her everything. Jaylen is a hard working mom and she deserves to know that. But after all the things Sammi said to, her she probably won't believe me.

I tried everything to get her to meet up with me, but nothing worked. I called her more than a thousand times, I left her tons of voicemails, I texted her and I even emailed her.
I don't know what to do anymore, but I can't give up on her. She means the world to me.

I was sitting in my room, when Edwin walked in. Edwin has been hanging out a lot with Jaylen lately. As much as I hate it, it's good to know that she's doing fine.

E: "Yooo Z, we're going out to eat in a bit, you coming?"
Z: "Where y'all going?"
E: "Probably Chick-fil-a. We're not a 100 precent sure yet"
Z: "Ight cool. Imma stay here."
E: "You sure?"
Z: "Yeah but quick question, can I borrow your phone for a second?"
E: "Of course. I'm taking a shit so just put it on my bed when you're done."

This was a whole lot easier than I thought it would be. I grabbed Edwins phone and scrolled through his contacts. I immediately went to the J in all hope I wouldn't have to look for hers long. There were 4 contacts that started a J. The first one was 'Jaden👾', the second one was 'Jaydaaaa', the third one was 'J baby🤞🏾' and the last one was 'Justin'. The only one that could be Jaylen was 'J baby🤞🏾' ... I know they have been hanging out a lot lately, but they're not dating behind my back right?

I tapped on the name and thought about what to text her. I can't tell her it's me, cause she won't show up if I do. After thinking really hard, I decided what to say.


My Eddieee 🥰
Hey J! You up yet?

J baby 🤞🏾
Hey Eddie 😘 & Yes!

My Eddieee 🥰
So how are you and Zion doing?

J baby 🤞🏾
Ughhh I don't really know... we haven't been talking so yeah, only time will tell.

At least she doesn't hate me,
I thought to myself.

My Eddieee 🥰
That sucks 😬 anyways are you free rn?

J baby 🤞🏾
Yes I'm bored out of my mind...

My Eddieee 🥰
You trynna meet up?

J baby 🤞🏾
I'm down


I was surprised at how smooth everything was going so far. I texted her where to meet up and at what time.

We were going to meet up at a local breakfast place in LA. I made my way outside to the car, when Edwin asked me where I was going. I didn't know what to say, so I told him I was going to the store real quick.


At the breakfast place

I have been sitting here for 10 minutes now. I have never been so nervous before in my entire life. This can go two ways. It can either go really well or really really really badly.

I wanted to text her to see where she is, but I realized I couldn't. I don't have Edwins phone with me anymore, so if I text her I'd blow my cover.

It's been 20 minutes now and she's still not here. In the meantime I ordered a smoothie. Sipping on my smoothie I decided to go home. She probably texted Edwin again and he probably told her it wasn't him. She probably already figured out what was going on...

I made my way to the car and unlocked it. I got into the drivers seat and started the car. Putting my seatbelt on, I looked inside the breakfast place one last time.

This can't be true. She came... I saw her sitting on the table I was just sitting on. Without hesitating I got out of the car again and made my way inside. Once she heard the bell ring, that indicated someone coming in, she turned around and looked straight into my eyes.


Word count: 719 words
Date published: September 10th 2019

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