13. 3:46 am

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Zions POV
I was just chilling in bed when I heard the doorbell ring. I was a little confused cause the boys were gone and I didn't expect anyone. I quickly put a shirt on and made my way to the front door.

Out of all people she had to be standing in front of my door... "what do you want Sammi" I asked her. "Can't I just visit my fiancé?" She said as she walked past me. "No you can't. That wasn't part of the plan." I basically yelled at her. "Keep this same energy if you would like to see your girls again." She rolled her eyes.

Sammi slept over at my house because "that's what couples do." She wanted to sleep in one bed with me but hell no. Fuck do I look like? It took a lot of convincing but after a lot of yelling she finally agreed to sleep on the couch.

I woke up to my phone blowing up. I wanted to let it go but it kept buzzing. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 3:46 am, so why could my phone be possibly blowing up? I questioned. The first text I read was from the group chat where all the boys kept asking why Sammi was here. Then another text of my mom telling me goodnight. It said I had a text from Jaylen too which woke me up immediately.

But when I opened the text message it said that it has been deleted by the sender. I really wanna know what was in there but I guess I'm never gonna find out. Except... what if I ask Malyn if she could find out for me. The text really got me concerned. I mean, what if something bad happened to her? I would never forgive myself.

Let me check my Instagram, cause that has been blowing up too. Kinda scared of what I was about to see I looked through my tagged posts. All I saw was a lot of pictures of the same twitter post. At first I wanted to just let it slide but something inside me wanted to see what it was. After debating for 5 whole minutes I finally had the courage to click on it.

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