7. Surprise

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Jaylens POV
I was at the house, rethinking about what happened today. You can't tell me that it was a coincidence that Edwin didn't show up but Zion did.

As much as I wanna figure this all out, I gotta get ready. Cause Zion is coming over...
I'm nervous. What do I say to him after everything that happened. I don't even know if I wanna say anything to him.

I should just give him some time with Nae and let them alone.

(Skip to when Zion arrived)

I heard knocking on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone else but Zion. I went to the door and opened it.

"Hey" Zion said. And I replied with "hey" too.
It was really awkward. I could see that he was hesitant on giving me a hug or not. He eventually went for it anyways. The hug didn't last long, even though I secretly hoped it would.

"Well you know where to find Janae, so go ahead." I said. I could see a big ass smile appearing on his face as he made his way to Janae's room. I heard giggles coming from her room so I decided to go take a look.

"You wanna know a little secret?" I hear Zion say to Janae. A few moments later he said "I really love you and your mom. You guys are my everything." After he said that he kissed her all over her face.

They were laid up on Nae's bed. Zion was tickling her which made her giggle. Watching them together made me forget about everything else in the world. As much as I didn't want to disturb, I knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked kinda shy, even though it's my house.

Zion turned to Janae "Lil J, Can mommy come in?" Janae giggles even more when he said that. "Of course mommy can come in right?" He then said. I walked inside and sat beside them.

"Can you watch Janae for an hour or two for me?" I asked hoping he didn't have plans with salamander.

"No of course I can." He answered. It was still awkward. "I don't mind coming with, if you need help." I needed help, but I wasn't ready for this. So I said "No it's okay, go have some fun with Nae." I stood up and gave Janae a kiss goodbye and headed out the door.

Zions POV
When Jaylen told me she would be gone for 2 hours I couldn't be happier. This gave me the time to plan a surprise for her.

I went to the kitchen to see what she had in her fridge. Luckily she had some things I could use.

I put Janae in her high chair so I could watch her. I grabbed her iPad from the couch and put YouTube videos on for her to watch.

While she was watching videos I started on the 'I'm sorry dinner' that I'm going to prepare for Jaylen.

While I was making the spaghetti Janae started crying. I picked her up and played with her for a good 10 minutes.

"I love you Janae, you're the love of my life but I have to make up with your mom." And I put her back in her chair.

(Skip to when Jaylen came home)

Jaylens POV
When I opened the front door, I smelled something delicious. It smelled like the pasta that Zion used to make for me.

As I made my way into the living room I saw this nicely set table, but no Zion or Janae. I went to j's room and there they were. They were asleep, all cuddled up. I gently woke Zion up.

"Hey" I said when he opened his eyes. "Oh shit you're already home... this ruined the surprise." He said, I could see that he was a little disappointed. "It doesn't matter Z, I love that you did this for me. It shows that you care." His whole face lightened up again.

All three of us went to the kitchen. Zion put Janae in her high chair and I took a seat, while Zion made the last finishing touches.

"On the menu today we have a very special and delicious 'I'm sorry pasta' specially made for the one and only Jaylen." He really knows the way to my heart.

Dinner went amazing. Zion apologized a million times and we had time to catch up.

"Let me take a picture of you. You guys are adorable." Zion said and grabbed his phone. He made the picture and posted it on his snapchat story.

Zions Snapchat story

Zions Snapchat story

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Not even 2 minutes after he posted these, his phone started blowing up

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Not even 2 minutes after he posted these, his phone started blowing up. It was his little girlfriend. Tonight really made me forget about her annoying ass. But I guess that didn't last long.

Zion just stared at his phone. He looked like he has just seen a ghost. He put his phone down and started talking to me again until she started calling. Zion ignored it, but she kept calling.

"Not picking up is going to make her even madder than she probably already is." I said.
"So you want me to pick up?" He asked confused. "Well she already ruined the moment so yeah... I guess."

Zion picked up and all I could hear was little faints of yelling coming from his phone. Zion seemed really annoyed to the point where he started balling his fists.

The last thing I heard before it went silent was Sammi asking "Where the hell are you and why are you with them?? You said you were going to the studio."


Word count: 950 words
Date published: September 17th 2019

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