8. Cuddled up

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                                 Zions POV
"Where the hell are you and why are you with them?? You said you were going to the studio." Sammi asked me.

Sammi was just my distraction from Jaylen. I don't take our 'relationship' or whatever somewhat close to serious. I thought my feelings for Sammi could actually grow into something more, but I guess not.

I don't want to play with her feelings. That is not my intention, but I feel like I'll break her heart if I tell her I don't have feelings for her. So I lied.

"Those were just memories from Snapchat. Don't worry." I answered.

"Why aren't you with me then?" She sounded kinda mad. "Me and the boys had to take care of some stuff. Nothing major." I tried to reassure her. 

"Okay. Call me when you're done."

"I will."

"Love you, bye." I didn't want to lie to her again so I just said bye and ended the call.

Once I ended the call I turned towards Jaylen again. But to my surprise she wasn't sitting in her chair anymore. And Janae wasn't either. I got up from my seat and went to the living room.

There they were. Watching peppa pig together. I walked over and sat down next to Jaylen, with Janae on the other side of her.

"I missed this." I said under my breath.

"You missed what?" I took a deep breath. "This... just you, me and Janae." I said as I pulled them closer to me. "I mean who wouldn't..." she said as she flipped her hair.

I kissed the both of them on their foreheads, making Janae smile. Which made my smile even bigger. For the rest of the peppa pig episode the three of us just sat there, all cuddled up. It's weird to say, but it lowkey feels like my own little family.

When the episode was done Janae was already asleep. Jay decided to bring her to bed.

15 minutes later
She was taking so long, I decided to go see what they were doing. I was standing in the door opening when I saw Jaylen struggling getting Janae back to sleep.

I walked up to her and sat besides her. I picked Janae up, put her in my arms and lied her down. Once she rested her head on my arm I started singing to her.

Baby, I ain't got no money
All I got is time
And I'm gon' spend that time on you
But when they pay me
And I can buy the sunshine
Take you away, we'll drink lemonade
While holed up in a room
And I'll spend my summer on
You ooh ooh ooh ooh (ooh)
Oh, I will spend my summer on
You ooh ooh ooh ooh

When I was done singing, I could hear her little snores. She already fell asleep. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and put her back down on her bed.

Jaylen and I left the room and went back to the living room. "You need to cook for me more often." She said out of nowhere. We walked over to the couch and sat down. "I'd love to! You already work hard enough." I said with a big smile on my face.

For the next minute Jaylen and I looked at each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked. "Movie might!" We both said at the same time. We couldn't stop laughing for the past 5 minutes. J wanted to see a romantic comedy and I always give in to her so we ended up watching one.

The movie was about two best friends falling in love with each other. In the middle of the movie Jaylen was playing with my fingers. It felt so good. She ended up turning around and cuddle up into my chest. She started playing with my hair and I couldn't resist it. "Jaylen" I said. She looked up at me and my eyes went back and forth between her eyes and her lips. I guess she noticed cause only seconds later she leaned in. I did too and our lips attached.

The kiss turned into a short make out session before she pulled away. "Maybe we should finish watching the movie." She chuckled. "Maybe we should." I chuckled too. She turned around again and I snaked one arm around her.

45 minutes later
Jaylen fell asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but admire her. In my eyes she is the most beautiful human being alive. After Janae. I picked her up in bride style and walked her to her room. I put her on her bed and grabbed some make up remover wipes. I cleaned her face and changed her into her pajamas.

I put the covers over her and kissed her on her cheek. "Goodnight J" I said and walked away. Before I could close the door I heard her say "Z?"  I walked back into the room and said "yeah." "Where are you going? Are you leaving me?" She whispered, still half asleep.

"I'm going back home." I answered. "Stay. Please?" She said while sitting up. "I don't wanna bother you... you should get some rest."
"But I want you here. You won't bother me at all." I walked closer to the bed and before I knew it she pulled me in. "You're staying. I don't care what you think or say." Of course I gave in.

"Cuddle me back to sleep please?" She whispered again. I got closer to her and put my arms around her. I don't know if I was sweating because of the covers or because I was laying so close to her...


Word count: 950 words
Date published: September 29th 2019

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