19. Josiah

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"Who is this little man you're babysitting?" Zion asked. My heart dropped. I wasn't ready to tell Zion that he is my son. And to top it all of that it's his son too. I don't even know how Zion felt about that night and if he even remembers.

"H-his name is Josiah." I could barley speak. It was as if I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. I was scared to say his name, knowing it would bring memories up. When Zion and I were little we used to talk about who was going to have a baby first and everything.


We came to the conclusion that Zion would have a kid first, because he was the sweetest which made every girl like him. We talked about baby names and Josiah is how he would name his son.

"His... his name" Zion gulped. "Josiah?" Hè asked. "Y-yes." I answered. Zion stared at me for a minute. "His name is Josiah..." he repeated, letting it sink in. "Can you just give me a second?" I asked Zion as I got up. I tried to walk away but Zion grabbed my arm before I could leave. "Why did you really leave?" Zion asked me.

"Just because." I answered. I'm not ready and I don't know if I ever will be. "It's about that night isn't it?" He asked while looking down at the ground. I tried to walk away again, but his grip got tighter.

"Come on. Talk to me." He said. Tears started to roll down his cheeks. "All I ever wanted was for you, for us to be happy. Things just didn't go as planned." He continued. "Things didn't go as planned? You don't even know half of the things I've been through these months." I snapped back. "That's true. But you can't blame me. You left me, you ignored me. Hell you haven't tried to contact me in A YEAR."

"I know what I did was wrong, but you don't get to be mad about it." I held onto Josiah even tighter than I already did. "I did everything I could to get back in touch with you. I even stalked Malyn but she wouldn't say anything. I needed to find out where you were through my mom." At this point Janae asked what was going on. "Nothing baby. Go play some more." I told her.

"It's okay if you're mad at me and didn't wanna see me again. But you don't know how much I love Janae, for you to just keep her away from me." I couldn't answer anymore because deep down I knew that he was right. "Just imagine me keeping Janae away from you for a year. She's not even my daughter but it felt like you kept my daughter away from me. Sleepless nights and a lot of crying is all I did for a long time."

"Do you know how hard it was for me? Pretending like everything was okay in front of thousands of people. Act like I didn't just loose the 2 most important people in my life, while you're here just starting a new one like it's nothing. "You and janae were my all. Hell after all you did, you still are." I think Josiah got overwhelmed by all of the screaming, because he started crying. "It's okay baby boy." I said as I bounced him up and down a little.

"Damn can't you just ask his mom or dad to pick him up." Zion asked annoyed. "I can't." I answered getting mad. "What are you getting mad for? I just wanna know what happened." Zion yelled again. I've never seen this side of him and I don't like it at all.

"You know what I'm sick and tired of having to listen to this. I know what I did was wrong and I apologized for it. It's just... you don't know anything." I yelled back. "Then tell me what's happening. I'm here to try and understand but that's not gonna happen if you keep shutting me out." Zions eyes softened.

"This is not the way I wanted to tell you t-" before I could finish zion interrupted me. "Tell me what?" "Tell you tha-" he interrupted me again. "That?? Can you make this quick." He started shaking. "It's about that night, isn't it?"

"It's only going to take longer if you keep interrupting me." I raised my voice. When I did that Josiah started crying again.
"Let his parents pick him up or something. This isn't gonna work." Zion said dead serious, as if it was nothing.

"I would but I can't." I said. "You keep saying you can't but it's just a simple phone call." At this point I snapped and it just left my mouth. "Josiah is our child Zion. If you like it or not. This is why I left, because I got pregnant with YOUR baby."

A/N: Y'all gon hate meeee, but this is the last part of expect the unexpected 😳 I really enjoyed writing this and there WILL be a SEQUEL. Cause I can't do y'all dirty like that (well actually I can but I won't😂) anyways. Hope you liked this and stay tuned for the sequel 🥰

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