14. Heat of the moment

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A little over a year later...

a lot has happened in the past year. Some things I'd love to get off of my chest and some things I don't. Janae is getting bigger and she's starting to become a little diva now. I have to admit tho, she is one of the smartest little girls I know.

She wants to learn new things everyday and keeps asking me things that kids her age aren't interested in yet.

Janae is already turning 2 in a month. Last year on her first birthday the situation was so different from now. We had a really big party with all of our friends and the people that have been there for Janae and I. And most importantly Zion. He was there too. Without Sammi but it didn't feel right at all. If it wasn't for Janae I wouldn't have invited him.

Throughout the whole party Janae was with Zion. It was like she didn't even care about me. I don't blame her tho. Because he hasn't come over since the whole Sammi thing. She kept holding onto him as if she was scared to let go.

After everyone left, Zion stayed. I was too tired to clean up, so Zion offered to help. He ended up playing with Janae afterwards and putting her to bed like old times. When I came downstairs Zion sat there with a sleeping Janae and his phone is his hands.

The last thing I remember from that night is us kissing... you're probably thinking 'how could she be so dumb' we'll me too. But I guess it was just in the heat of the moment. Deep down I know that is just an excuse because I don't want to admit that my feelings for him haven't faded.

But yeah... here we are one year later. The three of us sitting on our couch in Canada. Yup, I moved to Ottawa after I found out that I was pregnant with Zions baby. I tried to tell him, but when I did Sammi got in the way. Of course. But that'll be a story for another time, when I'm ready). I recently gave birth to my beautiful son, Josiah. He is 2 months old right now and is the cutest ever.

Janae really loves him and always wants to be with him. When I moved to Ottawa I broke contact with everyone that was connected to him, except for Mandy. She has always been like a mother to me.

I told her everything that happened, I explained the whole situation. But I left one little detail out.

I haven't told her that Zion is Josiah's dad...

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