17. Tears

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Jaylens POV
I got another notification from Zion. He posted a new photo again. He really has been coming through with the content these past few days.

When I clicked on the notification, my heart dropped... it was an old photo of Zion and me and a photo of Janae. There it was again, uncontrolled tears rolling down my cheeks.
I don't know whether they were happy tears or sad tears.

I couldn't leave a comment or anything, cause I've ghosted him for a year now. It would be weird to just pop up again like "hey I just saw you're post. What's up with that?" I want to believe that he actually misses me, but something is holding me back. Maybe it's the thought about him and Sammi being together. My mind is all over the place, maybe I should call Malyn.

Phone call between Jaylen and Malyn:

"Hey Cuzo, what's up?"
"Hey Malyn..."
"Who do I need to beat up now??"
"It's nothing..."
"Wait, you saw didn't you?"
"Yessss, ughhhh. It's like god wants to make it even harder for me."

"He really misses you Jay."
"I'm sure he doesn't."
"I swear to god you're so clueless."
"Or you're just delusional. And even if he did how would you know?"
"Becau- nothing."
"I-I can't hear you... really b-bad service, gotta go bye."

Is know Malyn and I definitely know when she's lying to me. I gotta find a way to find out what she's hiding from me. Cause whenever she lies, nothing good comes from it.

The next day

I was cleaning Josiah's diaper when Mandy called. "Miss me already?" I asked her with a little chuckle. "There's something I need to tell you." She sounded as if something really bad was going to happen.

"You're scaring me, Mandy." I said. "Just... please don't get mad at me." "I can't promise you that Mandy." I started to get even more worried now. Cause I never get mad at her, so it must be really bad.

Just as she was about to say something she got cut off by the doorbell. I quickly finished changing Josiahs diaper, picked him up and went and opened the front door.

Maybe I should've peeped through the whole before opening the door. I'm at a loss for words. Caleb Zion motherfucking Kuwonu was standing in front of me. In. Front. Of. Me. At this very moment. I thought I was hallucinating so I closed my eyes and pinched myself a few times. Like you probably already guessed, I didn't help.
I wasn't dreaming. He is really here.

"I'm gonna need to call you back." I said before quickly hanging up.

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