9. Notifications

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2 weeks later:

                                Zions POV
I was hanging out with Jaylen and Janae when my phone started blowing up all of a sudden. I started getting all these Instagram notifications. I looked at my phone and saw that I got tagged in a whole bunch of posts.

At first I didn't even want to look at them because I was trying to spend time with my girls, but god obviously had other plans.

I opened my Instagram and looked at the stuff I was tagged in. I just looked at the screen, without saying anything. Jaylen was talking to me but I was too focused on my phone to be able to hear what she said. I swiped through the other posts I got tagged in and this was indeed happening.

Sammi cheated on me. With no one other then one of my so called best friends... To be honest I wasn't as triggered as I should be. But I was definitely  in shock.

I don't know what to do or how to act right now. So I put my phone back where it was and looked at Jaylen. She stopped talking and was just staring at me. She asked me what happened and to be honest, I felt too embarrassed to tell her. But I knew I had to.

"Soooo... are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to sit there looking dumb?" Jaylen asked me, catching an attitude.

"Well..." I said afraid of her reaction. "Sammi just got caught cheating on me." I blurred out.

"Excuse me?" Jaylen said.

"Sammi cheated on me." I said again.

"This lil bitch did what???" Jaylen looked just as shocked as I did.

"She cheated on me..." I said repeating myself again. "I never liked her anyways. I knew she wasn't good for you." Jaylen said making me laugh.

"With choppy." I added. And she got more furious than she already was. "She really got some nerve. Should I beat her ass for you?" She asked and believe me, she wasn't joking.

"No that's not necessary Jay. But I love you for wanting to." I said adoring her.
"I love you more." She said while smiling at me. I gave her and Janae a kiss on the forehead before saying "I'm gonna talk to her." And I left after saying goodbye.


Word count: 395 words
Date published: November 4th 2019

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