15. Manny & Elmo

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Here I am... checking his Instagram page for the 600th time today. This is something I do every single day. Whenever he posts a new picture I show it to Janae and she gets all excited.

I just got another notification saying that Zion made another post. I clicked on it as fast as I could. A little smile creeped onto my face when I saw what he posted. It was a video of him doing what he loves the most. An old video of him on stage during tour with the caption 'Couldn't have done it without you BEANZ ❤️'. He really loves his fans, I hope they now that.

After rewatching the video over a hundred times, I showed Janae the video of Zion. Her face immediately lit up when she saw the video and heard his voice. Even though she struggles getting the words out the right way, she knows all of their songs word for word. I really do believe that Janae is their number one fan.

"Momma, where Zion?" She has been asking about Zion more and more lately. I always tell her he is busy with making music. She used to be okay with it, but now that she's getting older she's having these little temper tantrums.

Right when I wanted to give her an answer the doorbell rang. I told Janae to play with some toys while I see who's at the door.

When I looked through the little whole in the front door I couldn't stop laughing. There stood Mandy and Elom, who was throwing up gang signs at the door. I opened the door and of course Elom acted like nothing happened.

"You know I could see you right?" I asked Elom while laughing. "Wait what?!" He said with big ass eyes. I let them in and they immediately ran up to Janae. "Hi baby how are you?" Mandy asked her. "Mannyyyy! Good." She responded while hugging Mandy tightly. "Elmoooooo." She said and jumped on him. He spun them around before flopping onto the couch.

"Where is my little chunky baby?" Mandy asked as she looked around. "He is asleep." I said. "Can I wake him up then?" She asked. "Noooo, he's going to keep me up all night if you do." I whisper yelled. "Next time I'm waking him up tho." She said as she wiped away a fake tear.

"Have you talked to Zion yet?" Elom yelled from the other side of the living room. My face immediately dropped at the mention of his name. "No." "Why'd you have to bring him up Elom?" Mandy yelled at him. "I just wanna know if I got a chance mom. I mean look at me... who needs Zion when they have me?" Was his answer. "Tone it down lil boy. Who you foolin?" I laughed. "I mean, I'm younger so I live longer. I'm obviously the handsome one out of the two of us and I won't break your heart like my dumbass brother did." He then continued to say.

"Just shut up already." Mandy told him. "But you gotta y'all to him sooner or later. If you want to or not. You guys have to fix it." She said. "But what if it'll only make things worse?" "You gotta think about Janae here too. She keeps asking about him. He was her everything, her example. I mean look at the girl, she looks like Zion in everything she does."

To be honest, I have been thinking about contacting him for a while now. I just don't have the balls to actually do it. "Okay." I said. "Okay what?" Elom asked confused. "One try. If he doesn't pick up, I'm not trying again." Mandy didn't waste a single second. She typed in his name faster than she probably ever did. And then she pressed call...

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