4. First everything

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A/N: Didn't check for any mistakes

4 days later
The past few days I have been really down. The whole situation that went down with Sammi pissed me off. She kept giving me and Janae weird looks at dinner, when Zion wasn't paying attention. When I confronted her about it, she kept denying it and Zion told me I was acting stupid. "You're just jealous." Is what Sammi said, and of course Zion didn't stick up for me.

It's okay tho... if he wants to throw away 12 years of friendship like it's nothing, I'm not stopping him. You probably think I'm overreacting. But this is not the first time this happened. We were in the same position with his last girlfriend. After he broke up with her, he told me this wouldn't happen anymore. But I must be some kind of a joke to him.

Right now I'm just having some alone time. As much as I love Janae, it's hard being a single mom. Especially now that Zion and I aren't on speaking terms. Malyn took Janae out and will bring her back by tonight and stay the night here.

Now that I finally have some alone time, I decided to invite Morgan over. Morgan is Zions nephew, he is really fun to hang around with and knows exactly how to take my mind off of things. He actually introduced Zion and I to each other. Morgan hasn't been around much lately, because of his soccer career. He plays in Spain so I don't get to see him a lot.

Time skip to when Morgan arrived
(cause a bitch is lazy asf)

We were sitting on the couch, talking about soccer, family and all that stuff. It was night to catch up, but I'm still a little upset. And I guess Morgan noticed.

"What's up with that face of yours?" Morgan asked. "What are you talking about?" I answered knowing exactly what he meant. "You have been pouting since I got here... it's okay if you don't want me here." I sighed. "That's not it."

"It's Zion isn't it?" There's no way he could've just guessed that. "W-wait what?! How did you know?" Only hearing his name made me stutter. "I'm not an idiot Jay. You are head over heals for this boy." I couldn't get anything else out of my mouth. I just started crying right away.

"I told him everything that has happened these past two weeks. Morgan was the best listener ever. He just sat there and listened to what I had to say. "You really love him huh?" Is what he said when I finished. "I do... it would be best for both of us to cut each other off, but his bond with Janae is just too strong. I can't take that away from both of them."

"I know you love him, but you gotta think about yourself too. You can be selfish sometimes." Morgan said.

"It's hard to be selfish. We did everything together, since we were kids. This kid was my first everything. Fist kiss... you name it. He even took my virginity."

"I think you should get a nice and warm shower, put on a skin mask after you're done and go to sleep. Try to take your mind off of everything that has happened. Because you're one of the most hardworking, beautiful and nice souls I've ever met."


When I got out of the shower, I saw Morgan sitting on the couch with Malyn, holding Janae.

They were flirting as always. I feel like both of them are running from their feelings. I can just see the sparkle in their eyes when they're talking to or even talking about each other.
If neither of them is going to make a move, I'll have to help them out a bit. And I know exactly how...


Word count: 650 words
Date published: September 4th 2019

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