10. Annoying ass

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Omg I forgot to post this 🤦🏾‍♀️ it has been up on insta for a while now... Enjoy tho ❤️


Zions POV
I just left Jaylens and now I'm on my way to go see Sammi. I'm not looking forward to it but I guess I have to. I actually have no idea what to say to her to be honest, so I call Edwin. He always knows what to do in every situation.

He picked up on the 3rd ring.
"Ayo Z, what's up?" Edwin said, but I could tell by the way he talked he already knows what's up. "I know, you know what's up." I said while chuckling. All I heard was a big fat sigh coming from Edwin.

"I'm sorry man..." he said in response. "It's okay dude. None of us could handle her ass anyways."

Only seconds later Edwin tried to FaceTime me. He looked at me for 10 seconds before finally saying something "Just trying to make sure you're not over here killing yourself." Edwin said and laughed. "Yooo are you on drugs?" Was my response. "No, but you never know these days." He started to get serious. "I appreciate you bro, but it's Sammi we're talking about."


15 minutes later

I arrived at Sammi's apartment. I knocked on her door and as soon as she opened it she tried to pull me in for a hug and kiss me. I dodged that shit like we were in middle school playing dodgeball. "Fuck outta here with that bullshit." I said and walked my way into her room. I walked straight to her closet to grab the hoodies that she stole from me. Normally I wouldn't mind but it's Sammi.

"Why are you taking my hoodies?" She asked acting dumb.


"First of all, these are mine and second of all, you damn well know what you did." I confronted her. "What'd I do?" She asked. "You're out here making me look mad stupid. Miss me with that bullshit." I rolled my eyes at her.

Jaylens POV

It has been 3 hours since Zion left to go to Sammi. I didn't hear anything from him yet. No text, no call, nothing... I scroll through my Instagram feed when I see a post that really shocks me. It lowkey broke my heart. Did I say lowkey? Scratch that! It highkey broke my heart.

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