6. Face to face

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                                 Zions POV
As soon as she saw me she turned around and grabbed her stuff. Just as I was going to walk to her table she stormed past me.

I could've expected this to happen. But I still had hope... She couldn't even look me in the eyes anymore. It's heartbreaking to know that you broke a girl's heart, especially when the girl has been here for you through thick and thin. But like I said, I wasn't going to give up on her so I ran after her. Let's just say, she was a lot faster than she was in high school.

Jaylens POV
After seeing Zion, I couldn't handle it anymore. I didn't want him to see me cry, cause I would seem like a weak bitch. So I ran. I didn't know where I was running, I just let my feet take me somewhere. Somewhere far away him. Far away from Zion.

It took me a minute before I realized that my feet didn't just take me somewhere random, they brought me back to my car. I wanted to grab my keys to unlock the door, come to find out that they weren't in my pocket anymore.

I looked through my purse to see if my keys were in there, but they weren't there either. I probably left them at the breakfast place or they fell out of my pocket while running.

A normal person would go back to find their keys, but I was too scared to face him. I went through my bag one last time. Just when I was about to give up, I heard keys jingling.

I turned around to see Zion standing in front of me. "Hey." Was all I could get out of my mouth.

Zion just stood there, staring at me with my keys in his hands. He didn't say anything. It scared me, so being the idiot that I am I didn't say anything either. After staring at me for a solid 4/5 minutes a smile appeared on his face.

"I think these belong to you." He said while playing with my keys. I tried to grab them, but when I reached for them he pulled them away. "Can you just give me my keys?" I said, starting to get annoyed.

"Not until we talk." Those words scared the shit out of me. I'm not ready. And I don't know if I'll ever be. "Talk about what?" I answered acting dumb. "You and I both know about what." "There's nothing to talk about if you ask me." Was my answer.

"Come on Jaylen... I miss you, I miss my bestfriend. And most importantly, I miss Janae."

"Are you done now?" I asked with a straight face. As much as I miss him too, he broke my heart. And I'm not letting my guard down anytime soon.

"Come on J, don't be like that. You know that I love you." He said. This was the first time I looked into his eyes. His eyes were full of guilt. I almost started to feel bad for him, but then my mind flicked to her...

"That's funny... you keep saying you love me, but it didn't stop you from dating salamander."

"That's not her name."

"Okay okay, salami."

"I'm not doing this with you right now."

"Then why are you still here? Don't you got to meet ya lil girlfriend or something?"

"No. I wanna spend time with you and Janae."

I thought about it for a while. I might be mad at Zion right now, but that doesn't have to affect his relationship with Janae. She loves him more than she loves anything else and I want her to be happy.

"20 minutes."

"20 minutes what?"

"That's all you get with Janae."

Zion didn't even have to think about it for a second. He gave back my keys and said "I'll be at your house in 10." And ran away.


Word count: 669 words
Date published: September 16th 2019

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