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The scene begins in South America, with Batroc the Leaper, meeting with his best friend Ruby Heart, while speaking in french. In a bar near the docks.

Ruby says to Batroc " Aiding you with zee ssupport of zee Soldier's Utopia was a different affaire...... I don't give any service for free. My ship doesn't run on rust, Batroc. How are you going to pay me? I've heard zat in terms of Zenny, you are extremely wealthy now, mon chere."
Batroc responds to Ruby ".... Oui.... J'ai déjà écouté cette rumeur, aussi [I've heard that rumor too]. N'est pas vrai, though. But we can settle an arrangement"
Ruby says to him "You know? I have always room in my crew for a strong man like you. You could sweeten zee deal with one night stand". Ruby was about to lay a hand on Batroc, but this one places a bag on her hand. Ruby was unamused. Batroc says "Down payment, one kilo of gold and 10,000 in cash, 20,000 Dollars in Zenny, depuis the rest will be delivered within zee month, on zee condition you keep an eye on zis woman."

Ruby  sees the woman in the picture he gives to her and says "The well toned korean one with the cold dead eye? That's Juri Han! Why are you running from her?"
Batroc says  stuttering "Ma femme.......She's my wife"

Then Cameo 4th wall breaking Gwenpool appears and says "For references, see Gwenpool Street Brawler FanFiction. Ok, bye 😘"

Ruby was in shock while Sonson fainted and Amingo had to hold her fall. Amingo says "Madre de Dios!!!"
Ruby was appalled and says  "Iwas curious why you didn't asked me already for one night stand. But I never took you for a masochist, though. But zee demented director of S.I.N. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??!!!! Ugh!! I need some air!" and exits the bar. Batroc went after her while saying "Batroc: We aren't finished yet. Attendez vous [just wait]!!"

Batroc chased Ruby outside the bar. And tried to explain what happened so far.

Batroc says "I was thinking on zee fact zat Taskmaster killed my daughter. And I received an invite to Taskmaster's tournament. Zee opportunity to avenge my loved ones, once and for all. Took zee decision of manipulate Juri's anger towards Bison, rallying her on our common ground. But this came up. I know for a fact that if she faces Taskmaster/Bison, she will die alongside me"
Ruby understand wher he's coming from and says "While you are honorable in your own way, there's an unavoidable truth, Georges. You've fallen for her. Otherwise you wouldn't ask us to protect Miss Han... I mean Madam Batroc-Han, from whatever you're trying to shield her."
Batroc apologizes "Desolé, Ruby."
Ruby spsays "You've changed, Georges. I think that's a good thing. After you finish your quest.... Would you stop being a villain?"
Batroc placed his hands on Ruby's shoulders and says "Non... Until i defeat Captain America and Taskmaster/Bison myself"
Ruby smiles and asks "What would you do without me, Georges" while Ruby hugs him
Batroc repsonds "I'd be un content old man"

Something snaps Batroc's preflexes and yells "Watch Out!!!" while he pushed Ruby away from a high powered ryodansatsu kick. It was Juri Han

Juri says "Did I do that? So sorry!! Hope I'm not interrupting your snuggling moment (crunching hands) Darling!!!"
Ruby says to Batroc "Zee Rose has a thorn, Batroc"
Batroc yells at Juri "Qu'est-ce tu faire ici (What are you doing here), Juri??!!!! You were supposed to see me in Buenos Aires to find zee traveling fighter Lily Hawk!"
Juri replies "You should have figured out that I got bored. I just got these urges, Batroc!"
Ruby, feeling a little disgusted, says to Juri "You have no decorum, mon dieu"
Juri, flustered, says "Not THAT urges!! I crave excitement, action, the screaming of my victims, the sound of their bones breaking!"

Juri turns to Batroc and says to him "Did you think I was gonna keep the laptop without hacking your stupid password?? We were supposed to kill Taskmaster/Bison together! You know I hate doing things halfway"
Ruby asks to Batroc "What password was it, Batroc? Volontaire ou victime?"
Batroc answers "Un peu de deux (A bit of both).... Husband."
Juri says to Batroc "Gwenpool won't save you this time!!!... should you choose to stay and protect human vibrator girl"
Batroc tries to reason with her and says "You don't know zee facts"
Juri sees Ruby and says to Batroc "I think I'll kill this female Jack Sparrow, before knowing what hit her. How does that sound?"
Batroc says "Zut Alors!!!" while Juri rushes to a highly directional Sakkai Fuhazan to Ruby. Batroc tried to counter it with his newfound technique which he used to defeat D.Dark "The Batroc Cannon", but Juri's technique was too strong for the -Batroc Cannon-. As Batroc an Ruby braced for the worst, Juri's technique was stopped by another Sakkai Fuhazan.

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