Batroc's Training

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In Batroc's safehouse. Inside Brazil Airport, Juri was having a talk with the time variant of her future daughter

Hyo Sonn says "You didn't kill monsieur Remy, Right Umma? He's the one who gave me the amber invitation I'm giving you"
Juri reacts and says "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!..... I didn't kill him and...Call me Juri"
Hyo Sonn replies "Mais Oui, Um-(Juri glares at her) i mean Juri. It's just that you taught me... or will teach me Batroc's Savate. Never taught me your own style, I had to sneak into your training place and watch you perform your ultimate martial Taegeuk form. You saw me and, I was hoping for an untamed rage attack... instead, you rush to me and hug me while crying."
Juri retorted saying "I'm not like that, you escargot-brain!"
Hyo Sonn says "Then Dad's death must have affected you somehow. No wonder you made me train under Sagat on Muay Thai, like he trained"
Juri was surprised to hear that and says "Wait! You mean to tell me that Batroc the Leaper trained under The Emperor of Muay Thai himself?"
Hyo Sonn replies "Before meeting you for the first time? yes"

Then Juri remembered that -during the events of Gwenpool. Street Brawler fanfiction- Gwenpool told Batroc "Phew! You spent some time in Thailand. Didn't you?"

Juri saysto Hyo Sonn "Care to tell me what Sagat told you about him?"
Hyo Sonn says "It'l take a while"
A loudspeaker says "To all passengers of flight 476 to Naydipoor scale through India, we regret to inform you that due the bad conditions of the runway due to the rain, the flight will be delayed for a day"
Juri says to Hyo Sonn "Well... we have time"

Then Hyo Sonn remembered that

Batroc says to himself "Après my defeat defeat against ze strongest woman in ze world, I've managed to bypass extradition, and decided to research zis new world and all of ze bounty pour mon coup de pied, wiz zee company of my niece Adelynn Duquesne (Swordwoman), I began in here in Thailand. I've been searching to learn somezing zat strengthens my martial prowess in order to defeat Captain America et ses amis. My search lead me to an underground fighting arena. I've managed to defeat every enemy... sauf pour un"

Swordswoman rushed in to warn Batroc about his new rival.

Adelyn says "The person that you will be facing is called Adon. The Jaguar of Muay Thai. He trains breaking cinder blocks with his shins. Besides this man uses elbow and knee strikes"
Batroc says "My only concern is to defeat ze Captain America.
Then out of nowhere, appears Sagat and says "Listen to your friend. You are not ready"
Adelyn recognized him and says "I've heard about you. You're Sagat?"
Sagat warns Batroc and says " You aim to a goal, but forget to see the obstacles. Your kickboxing won the matches so far, but it'll only gets worse from there. If you survive, meet me in Ayutthaya"

As he leaves Batroc couldn't help but thought that surviving the match was part of his way to become stronger. The fight begins as both rivals didn't squander words. Batroc ended up getting beat by Adon and his Jaguar Fist technique.

When Adon knew about Sagat's interest in Batroc, he send some of his students to try and kill them. Swordswoman and a weakened Batroc held up, but just barely. They couldn't have passed the night if it wasn't for the timely intervention of Sharon (From Fighting EX Layer) .

The trio decided to see what Sagat had to offer, as he was shunned from the ring by Turk and his newest known puppet, Adon. Namupun was there to greet the weary travelers and introduced them to Sagat.

Batroc and Sagat glanced at each other and Sagat says "Your search for honor and retribution, has blinded you from achieving everything you have to offer. Your defeat have brought you anger... Your anger will lead you to a victory. If you manage to control it as a tool"
Batroc says "Monsieur?"
Sagat says "If you can't handle my training, I'll kill you. If you succeed, I'll give you something that I've got since a long time ago"

Adelyn and Sharon: "Bon Chance!!" As they were leaving to a resort

1st day
Sagat supervises the training while saying "From What I saw in the fight, you know how to take a punch. But how accurate is your defense?"

Sagat throws kicks that Batroc didn't saw coming.

Batroc thinks "Sacre Bleu! If zose hits landed on me I would be kissin ze floor" Then he says "C'est s'appelle a sobering reality"
Sagat says "Intense physical labor, and we will step from there. You will learn my ways"

The Flashback interrupted by Juri and she says "Then it's not strange that Batroc didn't had any problems matching the Chinese chick when we were escaping after our bank heist"
Hyo Sonn says "Zee training is overwhelming, even pour moi"
Juri says "You are your father's daughter. Your English is terrible. If you keep telling me the story, speak in Korean instead"

Hyo Sonn kept talking and the Flashback resumed
8th day of training:
Sagat says to Batroc while they spar "While you confine yourself in your style, your progress is remarkable and your respect for your betters is noted. You've gained the chance to try to master the Hanuman technique. After that I will show you the Hera Frenzy. Both Hanuman and Hera techniques will require for you to listen with your whole being"

Batroc didn't had any difficulties with the kick conditioning, but he didn't liked the use of knees in his style unless absolutely necessary.

Day 20th of training:
Sagat noticed many palm trees broken as Batroc kicked all of them until exert himself, with striking pain and both shins bleeding
Sagat says "Good. Good!"

45th day of training
Sagat taught Batroc the Tiger techniques, and Batroc was able to perform his own version the Tiger Cannon -The Batroc Shot- and his own version of the Tiger Rampage- The Leaper Kick Frenzy

Sagat says "Will you still pursuit vengeance against Adon or retribution towards this Captain America?"
Batroc: Against Adon? He ain't worth mon temp. Captain America's anozer matter.

But right then and there, Adon appears and challenged Batroc to a Fight.

Adon says to Sagat "A half baked apprentice from a failure that couldn't retain his crown"
Batroc says to Adon "Do not disrespect our Master, bouffon!"

Then the fight starts. They both exchange kicks, but when Adon tries to use his Jaguar knee on him, Batroc curls into a human ball and counters with a Leaper Kick to Adon's chest

Adon was knocked off balances but recovers and says "Interesting. Beat me and I'll give you this" while displaying the amber invitation.

Adon attacked again with a kick, but Batroc quickly kicked the side of his shin to knock him down. Adon then recovers. Both of them kicked each others ribs several times until exhaustion caused Adon to lose stamina and finally Batroc defeated him with an Overdeived Leaper Kick

Sagat says "Well done"

Flashback ends
(Gwenpool explains: Next dialog still in Korean, but showed in English. Ok?)
Juri was shocked to hear that and say "He didn't show all of his prowess the first time we fought. He was lenient with me!! I still don't know if killing him or kissing him!"
Hyo Sonn replies "I know you'll be successful, or i would have not trusted this to you. Just save abeoji foryour daughter, D'accord?"  as she handed down her amber invitation stone
Juri asks "Aren't you coming?"
Hyo Sonn replies "I'll accompany you to New Dheli, but I gotta go to Symkaria and find either present's Deadpool or Gwenpool. There's a lot on stake"
Juri says "Those two are a handful"

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