HulkPool vs Necalli

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Fogwell's Gym  5 o'clock....

Peter Statley says "Well.. it's been fun evening, but let's get this Show on the road. Shall we? Sakura, show me your form and we step it up from there"

Then Sakura shows him her self-taught form. The form resembled the Lohan form of Sanda with elements of Ansatsuken fist. When finished, John Statley yawns, much to Sakura's discomfort. Then she says "Show me something better, then."
Peter Statley replies "Here's something you could start with"

First executed a mixed form between Ansatsuken,  Kung Fu freestyle blend.vlike in these videos

Then changed to Freestyle Kung-Fu/Break Dance in the same way Jamie would've done it

Peter Statley says "Difference of styles mixing together, change it randomly while suit your needs. Center of gravity shifting to your will makes it difficult for your enemy to anticipate your movements. And break the enemy's root"

Peter Statley keeps doing fighting twirls and saying "Shaking my milkshake! Oh, Yeah! Shake it, baby! Oh Yeah!" while finishing his fighting form with a perfect Shoryuken

Sakura thinks "That's what Apollo was trying to teach me"
Sakura claps while saying "Impressive. Mr. Wilson."
Peter Statley says "I'm sorry. What?"

Sakura explains "While, difficult to decipher, that's the crazy fighting style you used to defeat G. But you have an absence of Ki in your movements, though. Seeing others fight is like seeing their fingerprints on a windshield. You are Deadpool. Besides, you got another tell. You never stop TALKING."

Peter Statley says "Ah well, I'm more a "Spirit of Muscle" kind of guy. Besides... What are you gonna do? Sew my mouth shut"
Sakura: was about to say something, but Peter Statley shushes her mockingly and says "Don't answer that. Well... I guess the disguise is no longer needed"

Peter Statley Open a zipper from top to bottom, but instead of his real appearance, it displays the Aracuan
Sakura says to Deadpool "Is this some kind of Joke, Wade? God! You're more annoying than Dan!"
Aracuan (Deapool) says "Allow me a second", then dials a telephone number and says "Yuki. What gives?! What happened with the magic zipper?"
Yuki Iwai responds "We've warned you about the political trivia on your fight against G., Deadpool. There weren't enough visits for that. Besides the editorial supervisor is pissed off for breaking his Neutrality in sensitive matters like this one, so the editorial oversight is punishing you. By giving a liberal beating to the conservatives you've burn all of our support and budget.
Aracuan (Deadpool) responds "Yuki. Friend, Sweetheart. Make sure to remember CrossoverGeek what happened to the editors at the end of Deadpool kills Marvel Universe series, and STEP ON IT!!"
Yuki Iwai replies "Ok. I'll see what I can do. But You'll have to keep unzipping until you get the right suit"
Aracuan (Deadpool) says "Darn it" while hangs the phone and Unzips and displaying this time Sakura's brother Tsukushi Kasugano
Sakura says alarmed "My brother? Have you been stalking me, Deadpool?"
Tsukushi (Deadpool) replies "Wait! Not my fault! One more time"
Unzips again and displays the Disney Princess Kilala Reno
Kilala (Deadpool) says "JINX!!"
Sakura says to Deadpool "You're a sick bastard. You know that?"
Kilala (Deadpool) says "Yes, but that's not the point right now. (Pervert face) Hmm. Oh, boy! Her chest is so soft!!"
Sakura yells at Deadpool "あなたは変態です (She basically called me Pervert)"
Kilala (Deapool) says "Ok. Alright! Jeez!!"
Unzips and appears his mouth shut version, known as by the fans as the Barakapool
BarakaPool couldn't speak
Sakura says "I kinda like this one. Serves you right"
BarakaPool muffled speak a profanity and finally unzips into his classic red suit.
Deadpool gasps and says "That wasn't 4th wall breaking. It was 4th wall meltdown!!"

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