Endgame (Gwenpool Explains: Not the Movie)

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Skull Bison was watching the heroes fighting Copy Fighters and brainwashed heroes fighting the protagonists

S.Bison says "HYDRA and Shadaloo will stand as masters of the world. I've waited too long for you to fall to see you fall at my side. An their nightmares keep going, like my Amerikaner Brüder here"

Ed and Taskmaster beat each other out. Sakura was able to knock Ken down, and she joined Batroc and Gwenpool fighting Brainwashed Captain America, but Sakura and Gwenpool were defeated.

S.Bison says "You're running out of options"

Batroc could pin Steve Rogers down, but he overlooked to keep fighting and Chun-Li.

Batroc yells at her "No, wait!"

He dodges Chun-Li's Kikoken and counter with a leaper kick, but Chun-Li Drives Parry the hit and counters with her Drive side kick.

Chun-Li, while fighting, grapples him down with a koshuto and was about to kill him, but Batroc says "What ever happened with zee sweet woman zat defeated me in New Metro City? Think of Li-Fen!! Where do you zink you'll both end up if Skull Bison wins? Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, ring any bell? You'll both die, fumigated like flies!!"

Chun-Li reacts by hitting him while yelling "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" as she cries  and struggles against the device in her head

Ryu faces Skull Bison and says "You're like an aberration. I fight you, not for pleasure or anger. I fight because I must"

4th wall breaking Gwenpool says Cue the music, maestro:

S.Bison yells at him "You will feel the power of the Gods!!"

Skull Bison begins with his Bison Warp and tried to Kill Ryu bye tossing him his Dust of Death with a special gun, but Ryu dodge it and the dust came in contact with a HYDRA Soldier that was trying to tackle Ryu from behind. As the man screams from the pain, the compound killed the soldier within seconds of making contact with his skin, causing the skin on his head to tighten, shrivel, and take on a red discoloration, while causing all the hair on the victim's head to fall out. Ryu was horrified by seeing the victim's *red skull* for a head.

S.Bison says "A pleasant, yet unnecessary death"

Ryu replies in anger "You're a dog!! A sick murderer!!"

While Ryu keep fighting with Skull Bison, Chun-Li saw that horrible way to die and couldn't help but think that her friends and family would be under the whim of a madman. That her stepdaughter wouldn't be safe. Then she overcame the mind control device on her forehead, broke it and projected a Kikoanken towards Skull Bison, but she only knocked him off-balance and Chun-Li fainted. Ryu tried to pin him down using his newfound Iron Fist skill but Ryu's Speed was countered by an overwhelming momentum power, as Skull Bison was using a Johann Schmitt's Body as Bison's his last spare body, shared by two evil personalities. He cought Ryu's Iron Fist and began to hurt his hand

S.Bison says "You are tired, Junger. You should have been through hell to get here" as he He tightens his grip on Ryu's Iron Fist)

Sakura appeared from nowhere to break them up by performing a Ki-balanced Sakura Otoshi using her Anatsuken-based style

Sakura yells "I won't let you have him!!!"

Ryu says while getting up "Sakura?"
Sakura says "You're the Immortal Iron Fist, Ryu. And I will be your apprentice. Your soldier. Your bride!!"
S.Bison says "The so called love and compassion are just religious drivel. If you're strong live. If you're weak, perish!"

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