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"Peyton!" Winter cheered excitedly as the woman walked through the door. The two roommates plus Justin, who Winter had not realised was there, walked into the main room where they found Liv making out with the air.

"Liv?" Peyton said, gaining the zombies attention. "Look who I ran into in the lobby. I'll, uh, let you two..."

"Let's go." Winter laughed, dragging Peyton away and towards their rooms. "What was she doing?"

"I don't know." Peyton laughed as the pair entered her room.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" The ebony haired woman asked.

"Of course." Peyton went and got ready for bed while Winter settled herself into the cold, comfy room. Soon the pair were fast asleep until a knock on the front door disturbed Winter and caused her to get out of bed.

"Hey." Winter greeted Liv who had also heard the knocking. She stood back as her cousin opened the door and the pair were surprised to see Blaine DeBeers.

"Hey, is, uh, Peyton around?" Blaine questioned causing Liv to shoot him a warning look. "Kidding. Nice PJs. You wanna go kick some ass?"

"Yes please." Winter grinned. The two zombies quickly went and got dressed before meeting Blaine downstairs and getting in Livs car. He drove off to wherever they were going.

"Its a gun range." Liv stated from the drivers seat. "These guys are going to be armed to the teeth. We need to have a plan. What if we- you think you're smoking in my car?"

Blaine ignored her and placed the hot metal fuse on her hand, instantly turning her into full on zombie mode. Winter placed her hand forwards from the front of the car and let Blaine do the same before Liv slammed his head against the dashboard.

Finally, the three went into the building, banging on the metal door, ready to kill anything in sight. Liv and Winter smashed the window on the door and unlocked it as Blaine dropped through the glass room, dropped a smoke bomb. The three went crazy, killing the sick men until Winter noticed Liv was shot. Her and Ravi crouched beside the unconscious woman.

"Liv, hey..." Ravi shook her shoulders, trying to wake her up. "What happened?"

"Are you okay?" Winter asked, glancing at the blood as Liv tried to sit up.

"Am I hit?" Liv groaned in pain as Ravi and Winter gasped at the massive exit wound on Livs back.

"Hey, my rage wore off." Blaine stated as he wandered over with a taser in his hand. "I need you to zap me so I can tear down this gate."

"With pleasure." Liv said as she stood up.

"Uh, Liv, please. Can I?" Ravi pointed to himself eagerly. Winter ignored the three and stayed sat on the ground, trying to rub the blood off her hands.

"Get down! Down! Down! Down!" A male voice yelled as he and others burst into the room.

"Liv?" Major questioned as he saw the pale woman crouched on the floor.

"Major!" Winter jumped up happily, ready to hug her saviour. "Please get us out of here."

"Its been a helluva day." Liv explains their current situation. "You might tell your friends to quit pointing those guns at me?"

"I wanted to take them alive. They wanted to go out like Butch and Sundance." Chase stated as he, Blaine, Liv and Winter stood around the two dead bodies of some of the men. "Who're you?"

"I'm the guy who just rescued a zombie from being tortured live on the internet. Along with my two partners on crime here." Blaine answered, placing his hands on the two womens shoulders. "Blaine McDonough, owner, proprietor of The Scratching Post."

"Chase Graves." The two men shook hands as Liv and Winter stood back, watching the interaction.

"I met a few of your employees, but we haven't had the pleasure." Blaine smirked.

"How'd you find this place?" Liv changed the conversation.

"One of our people saw the live stream. We took an educated guess that Harley Johns was behind it." Chase informed her, his eyes darting to the lost in thought woman beside Blaine. "The tracker we planted in his truck led us here. Where is he?"

"Well, he escaped."

"How'd that happen?"

"Said the person who showed up late." Winter spoke up, shooting the man a warning look.

"Hey, listen. I've got a business proposition for you." Blaine said to the man. "Why don't you swing by the Post?"

"We'll see."

"Alright then."

"I should, uh, go check on my employee." Blaine said before walking away, Liv using a similar excuse and leaving Winter with Chase.

"Friend of yours?" He asked, looking over her for wounds. His eyes stopped on a patch of blood on her ripped coat.

"Why, you jealous?" Winter teased, stepping closer so they were inches apart.

"Why were you here tonight?" Chase questioned, his tone going serious as he looked down at the ebony haired woman.

"Because I wanted to help a friend." She struggled for words, surprised by his sudden lack of emotions. She took a step back, not liking this new man.

"You could of got hurt." He growled. "I don't exactly want to find your corpse in a body bag?"

"And? Why do you care? I'm not your girlfriend, just some one night stand you failed to text back unless you want something." Winter scoffed, folding her arms defensively as she glared at the man before her.

"You know what, you're right. I don't care about some where I fucked." With that said Chase walked away, leaving Winter shocked and heartbroken. Never once had anyone called her a whore but here she was feeling disgusted with herself.

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