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"Winter?" At the sound of her name Winter popped her head out their shared bedroom door.

"I'm in the bedroom." A few seconds later she heard the door reopen and Chase walk in, sitting on the edge of the bed and admiring his fiance. "What's wrong?"

"I have some unfinished business at the Scratching Post, would you like to join me?" He asked, his eyes raking up and down her body as she stood in front of a mirror in only her underwear, drying her recently dyed hair. "You can have a couple drinks while I speak with Mr. Debeers."

"I would love to, I actually need to speak with Blaine quickly so let me go put on a nice dress." Winter smiled over her shoulder at him, throwing her hair up into a bun and walking into the large closet.

It was a short drive to the club, the couple meeting Don E by the door and asking if he could take them to his boss.

"Chase Graves is here." Don E walked ahead into the office. "Is that normal? Should I bring him a hooker?"

"I'm good with water." Chase glared at the smaller man as him and Winter stopped behind Don E. "Thank you."

"Blaine! It's been so long since I last saw you!" Winter pushed past the two men and wrapped her arms around the seated man, placing a friendly kiss on his cheek. "And are you sure about the catering? I don't want to put pressure on you."

"Winter, I told you it was fine, now stop stressing and go have a drink, on the house." Blaine smiled at her, sending her away with Don E. Before she was out of earshot she heard him mention how lucky Chase was to have her, sending a smile to her lips.

"What do you see in that man?" Don E questioned as they walked into the loud club.

"He is sweet and amazing in bed." She winked at him and allowed him to pour her a glass of vodka and orange juice.

"Ah yes, great sex is always a winner." The man laughed, sliding over the glass. "How big is he?"

"I'd have to say about nine inches."

"Damn girl! Give me a high five!" The pair slapped their hands together and laughed like a pair of school girls talking about their crush.

"Winter?" The woman in question spun around in her chair and smiled as she saw Liv and Peyton behind her.

"What are you guys doing here? And is that Ravi dancing over there?" She asked, bring the two women into a tight embrace.

"Liv dragged us along, she is here to meet her sole mate." Peyton explained, giving the zombie a look which meant it was the brain Liv was on that made her so crazy. "Why are you here?"

"Chase has some business with Blaine, I tagged along for the free booze." Winter stated, letting the two women order their drinks.

"Blaine is here?"


"Good." Peyton sighed with relief. "Shot of tequila. Then turn up this song. It kicks ass. And..."

"I'll have what she's having." Liv stated.

"Wow Peyton, I think I'm slightly turned on by your dominance." Winter joked, suddenly feeling an arm around her waist.

"Its just me." Chase whispered in her ear as he saw her raise her fist, ready to punch whatever pervert grabbed her.

"Don't do that to me! I was about to kill you!" She gasped, spinning around in his embrace.

"I really do like this dress." He smirked, looking down and getting a full view of her cleavage. "But I told you to never wear it out."

"But my boobs look so good in it!" She whined, pressing her chest against him and pushing her breasts up. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she dragged his head down and pressed her lips against his.

"You should stay here with your friends and I'll head home." Chase kissed her gently then moved away.

"Thank you! I'll see you later then." He pulled her into another passionate kiss before leaving the club while she went to get another drink with the girls.

Winter, Peyton and Ravi danced the night away while Liv stayed by the bar, waiting for her dream man.

"Oh my God!" Ravi suddenly gasped, standing still in his place. The two women followed where he was looking and found Liv making out with some random guy at the bar. "It's like watching R2-D2 stick his extension arm into the Grand Canyon."

"Sick robot callback!" Peyton raised her hand looking for a high five. After gagging at the sight, the three friends moved away so they could not see Liv and her new guy.

"Let's go dance somewhere very far away from that." Winter grimanced, dragging the two humans away to another corner.

"When is the wedding?" Peyton finally questioned, smiling excitedly at the zombie.

"In Winter, so three months." Winter hummed in thought. "I believe I'm sending out invitations on Monday."

"I can't wait! We are all so happy for you." They all hugged, jumping up and down before moving back to the dance floor.

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