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Winter Snow sat bored on a medical table, swinging her legs back and forth as Liv and Ravi discussed Isobels test results.

"Isobels body rejected all the expected pathogens." Liv sighed in annoyance.

"These could be the results for any kid." Ravi explained, the room feeling heavy with defeat. "I was hoping I'd find irregularities, but, no. A month wasted."

"You had to start here." Winter reassured him, jumping off the table and hugging him from behind.

"Who knows how much time we'll have." Ravi happily accepted the hug and sipped his tea.

"She's donating her body. So, we'll have time after-" Liv started but was cut off by Ravi.

"How old is this actor, Davis?" Ravi asked curiously.

"He is two years older than Isobel. He's eighteen." Liv smirked, knowing the medical examiner was worried about Isobels relationship with the actor.

"Sure. That's what it says in his press clippings, but actors lie, about everything, especially their age." He grumbled with annoyance. "I told you two I saw them kissing. Hands, tongues. Bodies pressed together, the whole shebang."

"That's what I was like when I was her age." Winter chuckled with Liv quickly joining in. Both finding Ravis overprotectiveness hilarious.

"Good. You're here." Levon appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Is something wrong?" Liv asked with worry as her boyfriend ran down the stairs and joined her at her side.

"Fillmore-Graves captured Curtis."

"You know where he's being held?" The zombie hounded him with questions while Winter and Ravi stayed quiet.

"No idea."

"Just before I came in, I heard Major on the phone, talking about emergency guard duty tonight." The medical examiner cleared his throat to gain their attention.

"Is your hide-a-key still in the same place?" Liv's tone changed from somber to hopeful.

"Liv, are you sure we should-"

"You don't think we should be doing everything we can to save Curtis?" She demanded.

"Same place, yeah."

"Come on. I'm parked by the loading dock." The blonde haired zombie grabbed her boyfriend and began to drag him out the building while Ravi and Winter watched.

"Be careful." They both warned the pair. Things went quiet after that as Ravi passed along the news while Winter contemplated talking to her fiance.


The ebony haired zombie wandered towards the glass office, noticing a few guards talking to their boss. She waited for them to leave, trying to smile at Major but he ignored her.

"Chase?" Winter asked quietly as she knocked on the door and opened it slightly.

"What?" He screamed at the intruder, turning around to glare at her. His eyes softened as he saw who it was.

"Stressed?" She meekly questioned, stepping closer to him with fear.

"Just a little." He closed the distance between them and rested his forehead on her shoulder while she hugged him close.

"Come on, I have a surprise." Winter dragged the man out his office, much to his complaints. He sat in the passenger seat and let his fiancee drive crazily around the city until she parked right outside their usual cafe.

"Hello!" The ebony haired zombie greeted the two owners, who both in return said their hellos.

"It has been a while since we last saw our favourite customers, how is the wedding planning?" Lillian Blake, one of the owners, asked as she took their orders.

"It's going well, just need a florist and the cake." Winter replied, happily taking a sip of her latte.

"We were thinking about having four tiers; two for humans and two for zombies." Chase added, smiling to himself as his fiancee nodded along excitedly.

"That sounds smart." The owner went off to check on their food, leaving the two to continue planning.

"I was thinking we could have white lilies at the wedding?" Winter input her thoughts with a humoured smirk. "I think it would be ironic since they are the flower for death."

"I was thinking more roses." He laughed as she scrunched up her face in thought. "But I need to ask you something."

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"Why do you keep coming back to me? Why do you still want to marry me when I know you know everything I've done?" Chase finally asked the question Winter wished he would never ask.

"Because I have never been in a good relationship before. I've been beaten up, abused, told it's my fault, always my fault." Winter began to tear up as she thought hard. "I've always thought that this is what love is, but I never realised how wrong I was until you showed up. You always gave me attention, were always gentle, when we have sex you make it about me, not just you. You have showed me what love is and I love you for that."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled through the tears. "And yeah you have hurt me a few times but you always know what you've done wrong and try and fix it."

"Are you still wanting to kill my ex?"

"Only if you make it legal for me."

"No promises."

𝑯𝑰𝑴 - Chase Graves Where stories live. Discover now