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"Winter, we need to talk." Peyton announced as the ebony haired zombie entered the main room. "We know you are still upset with Chase and we love having you live here again it's just we have an issue."

"What's wrong?" Winter questioned as she sat down on the sofa, Peyton and Liv on both sides of her holding her hands.

"We need to talk about Chase." Liv sighed, hating this intervention already.


"We are worried about you." Their human roommate began to explain. "Everytime he does something wrong you two instantly make up, with sex."

"Like when I slept with him or he turned thousands of humans into zombie or how he has a psycho ex-girlfriend who he might be cheating on you with." Liv continued. "You can't keep letting him get away with everything and you remain a victim."

"Chase and I weren't official when you slept with him and he didn't turn thousands of humans into zombies, he just had to take the responsibility to try and help the situation." Winter argued, removing her hands from their grasps and placing them on her knees. "Also that bitch is actually human, I stalked her social media and abused my power of being a medical examiner for the police."

"That last one is true I did the same." Peyton nodded her head in understanding at that statement.

"I love Chase dearly and I don't care if I'm blind to his immoral ways." She sobbed, trying to wipe away the tears as quickly as they fell. "I have been abused and cheated on and finally someone has given me attention, looked after me and wants to spend the rest of their life with me. Please just be happy for me."

"We will." Liv dried her eyes and brought the three in for a hug, their sisterly bond growling.

"Thank you and I will be fine, I think that after my past three relationships were I just overreact sometimes." Winter chuckled darkly. "I have trust issues that always make situations worse."

"Please be careful though and stay safe." Peyton begged, grabbing her hand again and squeezing it lovingly.

"I will." The zombie nodded before drying her tears and standing up. "Do you want me to make waffles? Human and Zombie safe?"

"Yes please!" The two women cheered, helping the youngest grab all the ingredients and start making them.


Winter sighed loudly and dramatically as she shuffled uncomfortably in the back seat of Clive's car. Liv, who was currently on Detective Benedetto brain, and Clive sat in the front, listening to eighties music.

"Which window?" Liv asked gruffly, leaning over Clive to look out his window. They were on a stake out for ex-criminal AJ.

"Second story." Clive responded to her, trying to drink his coffee. Winter reached forward between the seats and grabbed her cousins shoulder, forcing the older woman back into her chair.

"You really think Fleabag killed Benedetto?" The white haired zombie questioned impatiently while glancing back up at the window.

"Not really." He answered truthfully, sending a grateful smile to Winter through the mirror. "Fleabag is a safe cracker, a burglar. No violence of any kind on his record. But I figured he knows where Ghansu is. Why're you chewing that nicotine gum?"

"You're gonna regret asking that." The ebony haired woman groaned, leaning her head back and closing her eyes, wishing she could be cuddled up in bed.

"I'm trying to quite."

"You don't smoke." Clive shot back at the woman beside him.

"Well, then why am I dying for a ciggie?" Liv shook her hands around crazily while Winter mumbled a quite 'I told you so'. "I don't know what to do with my hands." She then put her feet on the dashboard causing Clive to send her a small glare. "You and Michelle knocking boots yet?"

"Liv!" Wonter slapped her cousin, annoyed that the brain was making her act heartless.

"I'm not doing this dance with you, Liv." Clive coughed on his coffee, becoming embarrassed by her question.

"Hand stuff?" She did not give up.

"Look, we kissed."

"Shut the front door!" Winter sat up straight, suddenly very interested in the conversation.

"The night of the lock down." He continued, ignoring the looks both women were giving him.

"I knew it!" Liv slapped his shoulder with congratulations.

"It's complicated." The detective sighed sadly. "Look, I love Dale but I've also been thinking about how every future I've imagined for myself had kids in it. I wanna be a dad. With a human like Michelle, that can happen. They're not letting zombies adopt, so, you know, with Dale, that means no kids, ever."

"Eh, kids suck. You don't want them in this line of work." The zombie replied heartlessly. "Oh, I love this song. Hold down the fort. I wanna grill up a salmon tonight. I'm gonna check out their selection."

"Don't bring a fish back in this car, Liv." Clive shouted after the retreating woman but it was too late.

"I understand." Winter spoke up, placing a hand on his shoulder. "All I ever wanted in life was to have children and a family. But I promise you, you will have children with Dale because I know Ravi will find the cure."

"Thanks, Winter." The two were cut off from their moment by Liv sliding across the bonnet of the car with a giant fish in her hand.

"Fuck!" They both jumped out the car to stop Liv from beating up a man with a salmon.

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