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"My goodness, what happened?" Winter Snow gasped as she entered the morgue, instantly spotting Peyton and Ravi stood beside a body.

"Bus accident." Ravi answered her, his eyes briefly meeting hers before going back to watching Peyton.

"The poor man." She sighed quietly, putting on her white medical coat and standing beside her old roommate, holding her hand comfortingly.

"They begged me to fire him." Peyton informed them grimly, trying to hold back her sorrow. "They warned me something like this would happen."

"This wasn't your fault, Peyton." Ravi told her, pointing down at the body. The three twisted around at the sound of the morgue doors closing, Chase Graves and one of his soldiers entered the room.

"You. What's the assessment?" Chase stared at Ravi demandingly.

"Me? Dr. Chakrabarti." Ravi questioned, pointing to himself as his eyes moved to Winters, begging for help.

"Excuse me, yes, Dr. Chakrabarti, Ms. Charles, Winter." Chase apologised after noticing his rudeness to the Chief Medical Examiner. "What can you tell us about what happened here?"

"Five dead, including the driver." Ravi informed him, crossing his arms as he spoke to the two men. "A cursory examination suggests he hadn't consumed brains in some time. Passengers say he passed out at the wheel, which caused the crash. When he came to, the blood and head wounds of the dead passengers evidently pushed him over the edge."

"He devoured one passengers brain, and then chased a young woman, a nurse, out the rear exit and into a busy intersection." Peyton inputted. "She had a gun on her, and was eventually able to put the driver down with a headshot."

"That's great." Hobbs stated with annoyance. "A mindless, bloodthirsty zombie attacks Florence Nightingale in broad daylight. What's that gonna do for our optics?"

"Check the distribution records." Chase commanded, staring down at the dead zombie with confusion. "I want to know why this man wasn't getting his brain tubes. What was his name?"

"Otto Harrison." Peyton responded. "I met him a couple days ago. I promised I'd have extra brain tubes sent to him."

"Then hunger shouldn't have been-"

"He wasn't eating them." She cut him off. "He wasn't eating them. His wife and kids are zombies too, and the brains are so diluted now, they were still going hungry. Otto gave his tubes to his kids."

"I'll make sure the situation is rectified asap, and that Mr. Harrison's family is provided for." Winter watched as her fiance swallowed back the sad look that started to overcome his face. This matter was an on going battle and with the death of an innocent zombie, it was going to become haunting. Chase then turned to face Ravi and politely smiled at him. "I'm sorry if I was rude. It's been a long day. I'm sure you can relate. Good evening."

Hobbs phoned beeped causing him to stop as he and Chase began to leave. "There's press outside."

"Why wouldn't there be?" Chase asked, annoyed as his day got worse. "I told Enzo to find the people responsible for cutting our brain tubes weeks ago."

"Yes, sir. Yes. That's supply." Hobbs nodded nervously causing Winter to watch the two men carefully. "But what about demand? Every new zombie strains our resources. You need to make an example of Renegade before the decision makers in Washington decide General Mills is right, and nuke us out of existence."

"Chase?" Winter approached them carefully, placing a hand on his arm. "I know this is hard for you but how about I cook a big dinner tonight, Hobbs you can come, bring the wife and children."

"Thank you, Miss. Snow." Hobbs nodded his head to her. "I'm sure my wife would love to talk to another zombie soldiers wife."

"Perfect, dinner will be served at 7 so come for 6 and we can have drinks before hand." She smiled gracefully at them both before kissing Chases cheek and letting the two soldiers leave.

"I told you he is not that bad." Winter spun around and grinned widely at her two friends.

"Fine, I agree with you."


The house was alive with chatter and laughter. Chase and Hobbs sat in the living room with a drink in their hands while Hobbs children ran around them playing with the dog. Winter and Hobbs wife, Miranda, were happily in the kitchen, cutting vegetables and drinking wine.

"I must say, I never expected Chase Graves to ever settle down. You must be amazing." Miranda chuckled, taking another sip of her red wine.

"I am really good in bed, apparently." Winter winked, laughing as Miranda choked on the wine, trying to hold back her laughter.

"That's why John proposed to me." The two women laughed even louder, gaining the attention of the men.

"What are you two laughing about?" Chase teased as he and Hobbs entered the kitchen to investigate while refilling their drinks.

"Just talking about how we keep our men hooked." Winter sent a smirk to her lover as she checked on the beef in the oven and stirred the brain gravy.

"Once you have kids though it becomes harder." Miranda admitted, steaming up the freshly cut carrots.

"I will happily babysit for you guys anytime." Winter smiled at the married couple. "I love children and it means you can both have some alone time."

"That would be nice." Miranda looked at her husband suggestively. "But I don't want to be a hassle."

"It's no hassle at all." Chase added, nudging his friend.

"Alright, thank you so much." Hobbs grinned at his wife.

"I recommend shower sex, it really enhances the whole experience." Winter suggested to the pair. "Or against a tree, or in a pool."

"Where have you guys not had sex."

"I have no idea." The two women started laughing again causing the men to go back into the living room to talk.

"I'm starting to see why Chase loves you so much." Miranda patted the younger woman's back before they both went to check on the dinner.

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