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"Excuse me. Sorry." Raci repeated as he and Winter ran over to Clive who was happily sipping at his coffee. They had received a text from him stating that Liv was playing ice hockey. "Oh, hell yes! Thanks for texting me."

"Would you have forgiven me if I didn't?" He asked, knowing the answer already.


"You are the best, Clive!" Winter cheered as she excitedly watched Liv skate around barging into people, very hard.

"Holy shit!" She gasped as Liv went full speed into someone standing still, roughly knocking them off their feet. Ravi and Clive both winced with her, watching the poor victim on the floor.

"Its on, look." Ravi nudged the two beside him as Liv started to circle the man now back on his feet. He pulled out his phone and began to video Liv attacking the man again.

"Damn that must have hurt!" Liv went down, her tooth flying across the ground.

Winter held hand over her mouth at the sight, feeling nauseous as she thought about it happening to her. Her phone 'ping'ed in her pocket, saving her from having to talk to her toothless cousin. 'Need you at work.' Chase messaged her, not leaving any explanation. Instead of wasting time questioning the text, Winter excused herself from her friends and caught a taxi to Fillmore-Graves.

"Sorry I'm late, what happened?" Winter rushed into the room, her cheeks going red as all eyes turned to her. "Oh, sorry, hi?"

"What is she doing here?" Enzo Lambert stated rudely, glaring slightly at the frozen woman.

"I was asked to be here." She sassed back, daring the French man to continue speaking.

"Winter, come here." Chase beckoned her over. She moved to stand beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Anything else?" He addressed his generals around the table.

"Rumour has it that you've captured the smuggler known as 'Renegade'." One of his men spoke up, testing Chase's calmness. Winters eyes immediately darted down to the man beside her, worried about the woman Liv only spoke highly of. "Is that true? If so, why haven't you told us about it?"

"It does seem like something you might've mentioned." Enzo inputted, watching his boss closely.

"Yes, I have Renegade." Chase answered, causing Winters soft eyes to harden.

"And why haven't you executed him?" Hobbs questioned, leaning back in his chair.

"Because Renegade is a little old lady." Chase said loudly, catching everyone's attention. "And where I come from, smashing open the skull of a little old lady is considered bad manners. Not to mention bad optics."

"Renegade? Hmm. A little old lady...?" Enzo hummed in thought before chuckling to himself.

"Not that old." Winter said, sitting down on the arm of Chases chair, him wrapping an arm around her to steady her. "I've met her before and that is how the public will see it. She was lovely, only wanting to help the world and if you hurt her, you can kiss your life good bye."

"You decreed the creation of new zombies a capital offense." Hobbs reminded Chase. "If we do not execute Renegade, that decree is meaningless."

"An example has to be made, no?"

"It does."

"You kill her and the public will rebel but you let her off, zombies will think they can do whatever they want." Winter argued, grining to herself as she saw them all think deeply about she said. "Everyone knows that if you try to cut off the Hydras head, two more will grow back in its place. You kill the Renegade, more will take her place."

"Renegade is in prison." Chase looked up at her with pride, seeing her leadership skills shine.

"We only have one option here, sir." The soldier warned him. "Once word gets out-"

"That's where she'll stay." Chase cut him off harshly. The meeting ended promptly and Winter went to take a seat on one of the comfy leather sofas in his office.

"What did you call me here for?" Winter asked him, watching as he sat beside her, their backs facing the large glass wall. "It surely wasn't to be smarter than everyone in the meeting."

"I wanted an update on the junkyard zombies but after seeing how you were during the meeting I want something else." Chase smirked, dipping his head down and captured her lips.

"I can help with that." Winter kissed him passionately while one hand trailed down his chest and landed on his crotch. Unbuckling his belt, she slipped her hand into the rough material, grasping him gently.

The two became more passionate resulting in him leaning back against the chair constantly while she leaned back up and licked her lips clean.

"God, I can't wait to marry you."

"I will happily do it now." Kissing him hard, the two went for round two while everyone passing by did not see the two lovers passion.

𝑯𝑰𝑴 - Chase Graves Where stories live. Discover now