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Winter Snow happily walked through the park, enjoy how quiet the afternoon was as she got lost in her thoughts.

Not long after the sudden outbreak of zombie-ism a wall was put up around Seattle, guarded twenty four seven by heavily armed men.

She was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of her ringtone, the name 'Clive' lighting up her screen. After giving him her location she turned around and went to wait by the car park.

"What is it this time?" Winter asked as she slipped into the back of the car, Clive and Liv occupying the front seats.

"Human death at the brain plant." Clive informed her as he drove away from her happy place and towards the newest industry in New Seattle.

"I work in a brain processing plant, and it was the gnarliest thing I've seen." One of the workers rambled on as he led the three to the scene of the crime. "Clint always volunteered to-"

"That's Clint Hicks, the victim?" Clive interrupted to clear things up.

"Yeah. Clint Hicks. He volunteered to pick up some extra hours, cleaning the equipment after hours each night." The worker nodded his head in agreement, gesturing to the large machines that dominated the building. "Its nasty work. I don't know how he did it. Oh..." He suddenly paused, remember he was in the presence of two zombies. "Sorry, no offense."

"Oh, none taken. I think." Liv waved her hand dismissively as Winter sent the man a small smile.

"I mean, you'd probably enjoy licking the brain bowls clean, but Fillmore-Graves doesn't let zombies work the line." He started to ramble again. "Too much temptation."

"Makes sense." Clive pursed his lips as he stared at the two offended and confused zombies. The two women rolled their eyes and followed after the two human men.

"Anyways, Kelly, that's Clints wife, she called security last night at two in the morning, says he hasn't come home." The worker started explaining to them again as they neared the scene, yellow tape wrapped around the area. "Security comes down here and finds him in the grinder."

"I believe I've arrived at a cause of death." They all turned their heads and found Ravi looking at his nails by the big silver bowl also known as the grinder. "Ground up in a giant mixing bowl."

"Are you sure?" Winter teasingly asked, climbing up the stairs to stand by Ravi and peek into the grinder.

"No. Wait a minute. Let me recheck my work." Ravi looked back over the side jokingly before gagging slightly. "Yeah, ground to death in a mixing bowl."

"Jesus Christ." Winter gagged as she saw Clint Hicks ground up body. Her and Ravi walked down the stairs to join the others, both mirroring a look of disgust.

"Mr. Perales, how long have you been working across from Mr. Hicks?" Clive began with the questions.

"Um, ever since the plant opened, right after the world got turned upside down." The worker started, stammering to find the right words. "So, what's that, uh, three months?"

"Nearly four. You know anyone who might have wanted to kill him?" The detective corrected and continued.

"Well, he wasn't real keen on zombies." Mr. Perales answered truthfully, his eyes darting briefly to Liv which informed everyone he did not know about Winter.

"Nobody really is." Winter muttered to herself but saw the others had heard her.

"Any particular reason?"

"Thing you gotta know is that he's the biggest Seahawks fan you've ever met." He told them.

"I've met a lot of crazy Seahawk fans. Didn't mean they hated zombies." Clive stated, his eyebrows lowering as he thought about the crazy fans. This reaction caused Winter to stifle a laugh as she suddenly remembered a fan her and Clive had met, the experience was not enjoyable.

"Yeah, but before everyone got turned into zombies, Clint had his dream job at Century Link Field." The worker nodded his head as he spoke. "And then, boom. We're a zombie town. After that, instead of the job he loved, he's packaging human brains by day, cleaning them out of the grinders by night. He's always complaining about zombies. Sometimes a little too loud. I mean, the Fillmore-Graves guys here aren't the warmest dudes." Then he squinted his eyes and realised what he said. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I didn't mean like "warmest", I just meant like..."

"No. Of course. I'm fine." Liv stopped him from trying to apologise, again.

"I just meant they're not friendly." He tried to explain causing Winter and Ravi to turn their heads away as they tried to stop themselves from bursting into laughter.

"This new world's gonna take some getting used to." Ravi leaned over and said to Clive and Liv. It was true, humans did not know how to react or speak in the presence of zombies.

"Why bother? Someone's probably going to nuke us any day now." Clive said back. Ravi stilled, worry taking over his face as Winter rubbed his back to sooth him.

After investigating the scene, the detective and three medical examiner made their way outside, Winter spotting a familiar man leant against his expensive car.

"Can I see you guys later? I have a feeling this might take some time." Winter excused herself from the group and over to the grinning man. "Can I help you? I'm currently working."

"I'm hoping my fiance would like to join me for lunch?" Chase suggested, lifting her left hand and placing a gentle kiss on the traditional diamond ring.

"I don't know, where would we be heading?" She smirked, stepping between his legs and smoothing her hands behind his neck, playing with his hair.

"The coffee shop I first took you to, all those months ago." He leaned down to her height, their lips almost touching.

"I would like that." She whispered before connecting their lips, her fingers going through his hair as his hands gripped her waist tightly.

"We better go before I take you against the bonnet of my car." Chase grinned as he pulled away, looking down at his fiance, admiring the way her eyes made his barely beating heart skip a beat as they stared at him, full of life and innocence, the opposite of him.

"Shall we?" Winter stepped away from him, noticing how he started to space out. He moved to the passenger and opened the door for her, her slim body slipping into the warm car.

"I'm thinking a wedding in Winter." Chase stated nonchalantly as they waited for their meals. Winter stopped her mug half way, eyes going wide at his statement.

"Winter? I would have thought you'd have said Summer or Spring at least." Winter questioned, taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"Winter reminds me of you."

"That was cheesy."

"Only for you." Finally their food arrived, after the sudden zombies in Seattle their favourite cafe began catering for the zombies, especially since their favourite customers loved brains.

"Can we get a dog?" Winter asked after they had finished their food. "I mean, I'd like so company when I'm left alone at your house, it gets scary."

"We can get another dog." Chase smiled at her, reaching across the table and grabbing her hand, drawing shapes on her pale skin.

"I always wanted children." Winter started, putting down her empty cup as she sat upright. "Chase, when we are married, I want to adopt children, human children. I want to give them a long life that they deserve."

"Winter, as long as I get to spend eternity with you I will happily do anything you want. I would love to be a dad, have dogs running around our large yard." He voiced his thoughts on their future.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

𝑯𝑰𝑴 - Chase Graves Where stories live. Discover now