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Winter Snow sat quietly in Ravis office, her feet resting on the corner of his desk. Her pale fingers tapped away at the glass screen of her phone, typing away to Chase. He was apologising to her about something she did not understand.

Suddenly his face appeared on the television, replacing the news about the infected flu shot.

"Hello. I'm Chase Graves, chief operating officer at Fillmore-Graves. As most of you know, we are a Seattle-based military contracting firm. What most of you don't know is that for the better part of two years, most of our support staff and all of our soldiers have been zombies. Some would say that's the bad news. I don't see it that way, though we understand that this new reality may test the bonds of some romantic relationships. Unfortunately, intimate contact between humans and zombies is impossible without infecting the human partner. We welcome new zombies, but that should be a conversation between consenting adults. On a positive note, by the end of the day tomorrow, the Aleutian flu will be eradicated. Your loved ones who were facing a long and painful demise will be saved, and no disease will ever threaten them again. I suspect the number one question on everyone's mind is, where will zombies get the brains they need to survive? Rest assured. There are no plans to harvest brains from the living. Rather, our brains will come to us from across America. The brains, supplied to us by willing donors upon their deaths, will be processed and distributed to Seattles zombie population. But here's the promise we're making to the rest of the country. Provide us with the brains that we need to survive, and Seattle is where we'll stay. In the United States, 7,000 people die every day. If just one person in 10 donates his brain, we will have enough that we won't need to look elsewhere. Should zombies go hungry, however, its anybody's guess where they might turn. Remember, a well-fed zombie is a happy zombie. And our genuine hope is that Seattle will be a city filled with happy zombies. Going to PTA meetings, bringing orange slices to kids soccer matches, making noise at Seahawks games. Of course, the human citizens of Seattle are free to leave. But we hope you will stay and live in harmony with you new zombie neighbours. Zombies are not monsters. The last thing we want to do is harm our human brothers and sisters. We are all in this together. Let's show the world there's no need to fear the other. While Seattle will be under zombie control, most of you living here will experience very little change. The established infrastructure will continue to function, its city government, its school, firehouses, police departments, with a special zombie police force and criminal justice system to handle crimes involving zombies. Thank you for listening. Continue watching for a list of locations where brains can be procured."

Ravi and Winter sat in silence with their mouths wide open, shocked about what they had just heard. The slowing turned to face each other, faces contouring into strange looks.

"Welp, looks like the cats out of the bag." Winter mumbled, still trying to process everything.

"You need to be careful now, you dye your hair regularly and your skin is pale." Ravi warned her, watching her with concern, worried about her safety.

"I'll be fine, Ravi, I survived a boat party massacre." She reassured him with a light hearted giggle but he saw the fear hidden deep behind her eyes.

"Come on, let's work on a cure." Winter followed Ravi out the office and they both went back to work for finding a cure for zombies. They were both broken out their thoughts by Liv walking down the stairs with her normal hair.

"What's it like out there for someone rocking the old-school zombie look?" Ravi jokingly asked as the pair took in her old appearance.

"Lots of moving trucks heading out the city, and it seemed like every driver only slowed down long enough to flip me the bird." Liv smiled at the pair. "How's it going here? You two look like you haven't slept."

"I'm undead, I always look like this." Winter smirked, noticing the surprised look her cousin sent her because she was communicating.

"Ta-da!" Ravi lifted up a sugar cube looking invention.

"You invented the sugar cube." Liv stated sarcastically, pushing her hands into her pockets.

"We harvested just enough tainted Utopium to try something I've been tinkering with ever since I lied to the zombie brothers about this." Ravi explained as he walked to Liv to show her their invention. "That, my friend, is a vaccine for zombie-ism."

"No freaking way!" The pale haired woman gasped, reaching out to grab it. "You did it? You both did it?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe? I think. I dunno, who knows?" He rambled. "If my maths was right. Let's see how it goes." Then he placed the sugar cube in his mouth and swallowed.

"Dude! You're gonna be your own Guinea pig? How're you gonna know if it works?" Liv bombarded him with questions.

"My God he is going to die." Winter mumbled to herself as she leaned forwards on the metal table.

"I'm glad you asked."

"What? Why?" Ravi just gave her a knowing look, allowing her to figure it out. "No."

"Yes." The ebony haired woman inputted before going quite again.

"Ravi. I don't want to be responsible if it doesn't work." Liv admitted, watching the man before her carefully.

"You won't be." He told her. "I'm asking you to do this."

"Ask Winter."

"She still suffers PTSD, it's too much for her."

"Ask Major." She suggested again. "I don't think he has much use for humans anymore."

"I want it to be you."

"This is so adorable." Winter uwued quietly in the background.

"This morgue, this is where it all started, remember?" Ravi gestured around him. Winter moved to stand beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder as she smiled gratefully to hers and her cousins saviour. "I caught you eating brains in my office. You were this bright, mopey girl, so sad she couldnt be a cardiologist, and look at you now."

"He is right, cousin. You have changed so much, become so strong and so committed to helping everyone." Winter hummed, sending her cousin a genuine smile. "I'll be in the office if you need me, you guys need a moment alone."


"Chase? What the fuck were you thinking?" Winter almost screamed at her phone, gritting her teeth as she remembered everything about the video.

"How sexy you would look pressed against my desk, skirt above your hips as I come from behind."

"I wouldn't mind trying that." She blushed bright red, hoping he wouldn't realise how big of an effect he has on her.

"I'm in my office now."

"I'm on my way." Hanging up the phone, Winter swapped her coats and found Liv and Ravi, the white hair already hitting him. "Welcome to the fun world!" She kissed his cheek and waved goodbye, almost running out the building as she found Chase waiting for her outside.

"I don't know how long I can wait, I might drive the car into an alley and fuck you in the drivers seat." He chuckled before kissing her passionately.

"Let's go." She winked at him and dragged him to his car.

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