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Winter Snow sat on a bar stool at the 'Scratching Post', a glass of bourbon in her hand being swirled around with boredom. Fillmore-Graves just made a great achievement in cracking down on the stolen brain tubes. Chase wanted her to be there, most likely to be his arm candy. She wore a simple silk dress and overpriced heels which caused many eyes to go straight to her when they walked into the bar.

"This, my friends, is what it looks like when a plan comes together." Chase stood at the top of the stairs giving his congratulations speech. "I know what some of you cynics might be saying. "A hundred cases of brain tubes? Is that all we have to show for this operation, Commander?" Well, you cynics would be forgetting about the traitors we've ferreted out. You're forgetting about your zombie brothers and sisters who will sleep with fuller bellies. But most of all, you don't know what's in these cases." He opened the box and pulled out rolls of cash, the entire crowd cheering excitedly. "So tonight, and just tonight, we've got you covered. Eat what you want! Drink what you want! It's all on Cobra Kai. Wait. That's not right. What were they called? Major? Where's Major? The man of the hour?"

"The Blue Cobras." Major called out from his spot beside Winter.

"The Blue Cobras! That's it." Chases cheered. "Let's hear it for Lillywhite. He gets the job done. Hey, DJ! Play something from the aughts for this old soldier."

Feeling emotional exhausted, Winter slipped past everyone. Her feet taking her to Blaines office where the very bored zombie sat.

"Want to discuss plans about the catering over a bottle of whiskey?" She suggested, lifting the bottle she had swiped off the bar.

"Don't want to be with your fiance?" He asked, sitting up straight and letting her sit in the seat across from him.

"Its too crowded." Winter shrugged. "Anyway, I was thinking we need a selection of zombie food and human food. For the humans I was thinking beef and venison."

"Fancy, I can get that arranged." Blaine nodded, taking a large gulp from the bottle. "And the brains, any preference?"

"Artists, dancers, that sort of thing." The two went silent, hearing gunshots coming from the main bar. "Shit."

Winter ran into the man part of the bar, her heels clicking as she ran forwards. "Stop!"

As he raised his gun to shoot one of Majors soldiers, Winter grabbed her injured fiance by the arm and pushed it down causing the bullet to hit the child in the throat.

"They are only children!" She yelled, forcing Chase to drop his gun. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed a towel of a soldier, placing it on his neck.

"Stay out of this." He growled, storming out the building.

"Put pressure on their wounds, and get this shit cleaned up!" Winter ordered the entire room, her voice cold and dark as she twisted around and followed her fiance. "Chase!"

"Winter, do you know how humiliating that was for me? Making me seem like a weak villain in front of my soldiers?" He yelled at her, turning around to glare at her.

"I stopped you from losing your soldiers." She sighed, lowering her voice. Winter grabbed his arm and stooped him, grabbing the towel and looking at the wound. "Come on, we need to get you home."

Chase let his fiancee drive them home and drag him to their bathroom. She made him sit on the toilet seat and wait as she got a first aid kit.

"Stay still, I need to get the bullet out and it will hurt." She warned him before grabbing the tweezers and removed the bullet. After bandaging him up, they stayed there enjoying each others company.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are." Winter kissed his forehead and dragged him back to their room, sitting on the edge of their bed. Her hand cupped his cheek and dragged his lips on to hers gently. He deepened the kiss, pushing her back against the plush bed. Their hands explored each others bodies like it was the first time, naked bodies pressed against one another. They spent the rest of the evening together, enjoying the alone time and the time to remove the stress.

𝑯𝑰𝑴 - Chase Graves Where stories live. Discover now