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"You know I really hate being right!" Evelyn shouted to Leo over the rising chaotic noise. The men barging into the room was none other than the British Navy soldiers—the East India Trading Company. Guns were being fired and smoke was raising instead of steam. The soldiers came in from the front and the back of the bathing room. Evelyn was quick on her feet, lifting both of her swords up. "Be aware of all your surroundings and don't get killed." Was Evelyn's only advice for Leo. Running from his side, she ran a few steps forward to collide her swords with a soldiers gun. Without hesitation, Leo pulled up his swords, beginning to fight the soldiers that fought at both his and Evelyn's side.

Evelyn grunted out loud and pushed the soldier back with her swords against his gun. Stumbling back, she readied her arms as he tried to have a go at her. She dodged both swings to her head, lifting her arm to swing it violently. The metal collided with his, taking him back back by surprise at how strong Evelyn's blow was. She knocked the gun out of his hands, throwing a glance over at Will. She nearly tripped as she took in his appearance. His wet, dark hair out of its ponytail and burgundy, soaked baggy shirt caused her heart to flutter. Shaking her head, she noticed one of his arms was cut loose but he needed the other free along with a weapon.

"Will!" Shouted Evelyn, catching his attention as she tossed the sword to him. Will caught it with ease without saying anything. The two fought off the soldiers that surrounded them. Both Will and Evelyn managed to disarm quite a few of the men while cutting down a few others. One soldier in particular had been a lot stronger than Evelyn. He gave her an irritable face, standing above her. He swung his gun hard against her sword, throwing her arm out of the way. She looked up at him, gasping as he lifted his hand to back hand her, sending her twisting to the ground. Will watched out of the corner of his eye at the scene before him. He was furious. But before he could do anything, Evelyn rolled around to face the man, giving him a smirk. A confused look twisted on to his ugly mug. Leaning back on her hands, she kicked her leg up to where the sun doesn't shine for men. A grunt came from her as she kicked him. He bent over in pain, allowing Evelyn to kick him in the gut. He dipped his bending more as he cried out. Evelyn pushed herself up, punching him straight in the jaw that send him falling sideways. The whole scene caused Will to stumble, looking most impressed with his fiance's skills.

Evelyn flipped herself up to her feet, looking down at the man on the ground in pain. She gave him a distasteful look before walking over him. Looking up, Evelyn turned her head to the side as more soldiers kept pilling into the bathhouse. In between the soldiers, the only English man not in uniform seem to have stand out from other men. His dark clothes matched the dark expression written across his face. She knew this man. It was Mr. Mercer, a dark and evil man that was even worse than Lord Beckett.

Mr. Mercer look straight ahead, lifting his hand held gun up. Gasping sharply, Evelyn's eyes widen as it aimed right for her. As the gun was shot, Will was quick on his feet. He quickly grabbed Evelyn, moving them both out of the way and shielding her with his back. They moved toward's the front doors of the room where Leo, Barbossa, and Captain Sao were moving towards.

"He almost got me." Evelyn breathed out, her face slightly pale. If it hadn't been for Will, she would have been dead.

"I would never let that happen as long as I live." Will replied back, slowly letting go of Evelyn.

"I know you wouldn't. Can you imagine having my death being on your conscious?" Evelyn deadpanned, throwing a quick glance up at Will. He didn't say anything but gave her a face that showed how awful that would be.

"Ready!" A voice shouted from behind, followed by the sound of guns cocking. The group stopped walking, turning around to look at the solider's kneeing and standing in rows with their long guns pointing at them. Before the captain could call for their action, an explosion from underneath caused the wooden ground to break and cave in, causing all of the men the fall in or fall over. Captain Sao raised his sword, order in Chinese for his men to fall out. The rest of the group turned as well, running out of past the front doors. Will reached out, grabbing Evelyn's hand as they raced out on to the streets of Singapore. Chaos fell out pass those doors as well, causing battle to break out through the streets.

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