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Evelyn and Will wandered down the dusty, dirt road, arm in arm. Resting her head against his bicep, she closed her eyes as he lead her to their home at the end of the street. It was quiet down the street they walked on. The sun was beginning to set causing pink, purple, and orange to swirl around the sky. A gentle breeze was at a hush, sweeping through the tree to create the sound of rustling leaves. Such sound seem to fill Evelyn with peace, setting her at ease. It was a perfect moment in her mind. Just the two of them arm in arm, walking to a home they now share.

"Evelyn?" Will's voice disrupted her mind. She hummed in response, eyes still closed. "May I ask you something?" Again Evelyn hummed her reply. She felt his opposite hand hold on to her arm that was locked with his. "Would you prefer to live in a house on our own or do you prefer living in your parents home?" Evelyn's eyes opened at his question.

Turning her head, she looked up at him. "Well I'm happy living her at home as of right now. One day, maybe for when we have a family but the house is big enough to raise one. Why do you ask?" She furrowed her eyebrows at him, curiosity filling her voice. It was a strange question to come from Will. She never expected him to ask a question like that.

"I didn't mean it like that." He replied instantly. "I just meant that we're living together properly now, we're married. I just was curious to know if you'd be happier living in your home now or if you want to move into a house on our own."

Evelyn placed her opposite hand on his bicep. "Our home. It is our home now. It is just as much your home as it is mine." A gentle smile spread across Evelyn's lips.

"Our home." Will mimicked her smile.

Evelyn looked straight ahead, eyes on her glorious house. "And to answer your question, we don't need to rush into living in a house on our own just yet. We just got back home. I'm happy here with you and with Amelia and with my father." She looked back up to him. "I'm happy. This is all I need at the moment." She paused, eyes meeting his. "We'll know when the time is right for us to move on like that."

"You're right." Will shifted his gaze to the house at the end of the street.

"I usually am." Evelyn replied cheekily, offering a cheeky grin. Will threw her a look making her laugh. "Oh come on, I'm right most of the time." She gave his bicep a comforting squeeze.

"I know you are. I've learned by now not to doubt you on most things." Will chuckled, readjusting the strap of his bag on his arm.

Evelyn peeked behind him at his tan bag. "What's in there?" She asked curiously.  It wasn't a big bag. In fact, it was more of a sack with a piece of rope tied around the top to keep it closed.

Will hesitated. "I'll show you later."


With bellies full after a large dinner, Will and Evelyn were up in her room. Evelyn was sitting on her perfectly made bed, legs tucked under her. Marie lounged across Evelyn's thighs as her owner stroked her perfect white fur. Both of the girls looked at Will standing at the foot of the bed. He had just walked into the room after dropping off his dirty clothes to the servants.

"You two are looking at me the same exact way." Will chuckled, nodding his down to Marie.

Evelyn looked down to meet Marie's deep blue eyes. The cat meowed, looking back to Will. "We're waiting for you to tell us what's in the bag." Evelyn nodded to the bag dangling from his right hand.

Will glanced down at the bag. It looked a lot lighter and a lot emptier than before. "Umm okay." He lifted up the bag and opened it, not placing the dusty sack on the bed. Reaching in, Will pulled out a small book, a wooden box, and a tiny bag. One by one, he placed the items on the bed.

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