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The dingy gently swayed against the ocean waves. It was closing distance to the small empty boardwalk. Only sounds to be heard were the ocean surface smacks and the palm trees leaves rustling in the wind. Within the boat sat Evelyn, Will, Leo, James, and Mr. Cotton. Jack had given orders for Mr. Cotton to bring the party to shore. Unable to argue, Mr. Cotton complied to his captains orders.

No one spoke or exchanged glances throughout the ride. Exhaustion was written across everyone's faces. Sadness was mixed in Evelyn's exhaustion. Her eyes moved up from her lap to stare at the Black Pearl growing smaller and smaller as the distance growing further between the them.

Dropping her gaze back to her lap, Evelyn fiddled with her fingers resting upon her thighs. Her mind pulled into her thoughts. She wondered whether or not her parents were expecting them soon or if they heard any news about what happened with the war. Evelyn wouldn't have been surprised if they did, word travels fast even across the oceans.

It was going to be strange being home again, relaxing but strange. She wasn't sure what to expect when she walked through those front doors into her home. She smelled the sea salt for so long she barely remembers what her house smells like.

Evelyn paused from her thoughts to ooo up at the grey overcast clouds still hung over Port Royal. It was hard to tell if it would rain or not. Days like this comforted Evelyn. She loved to sit by the window with a tea tray and read while it was overcast or rainy. She couldn't wait to start sharing those days with Will now.

A place a hand on Evelyn's knee to grasp her attention. She looked to Will, watching him motion to the boardwalk now beside them. As Mr. Cotton tied the rope around a short wooden post, Will stood up and stepped on to the tiny boardwalk.

Evelyn stood up from her spot on the dingy. Carefully grabbing her bag, she looked up to Will holding his hand out for her to grab. He pulled her up on to the short, wooden boardwalk. She walked a few steps back to make room for Leo and James to step out of the dingy as well. Evelyn exchanged a glance with the two men as they moved behind her. They all looked down at Mr. Cotton as he pulled the ropes off the wooden post, tossing the back into the dingy beside him.

"Thank you, Mr. Cotton." Evelyn reached down to offer a handshake. The pirate looked up at her, smiling as he grasp her hand. She smiled and gave him a firm handshake.

"Thank you." Will nodded, wrapping an arm around Evelyn as she stood back up. The group gave the pirate a smile. Mr. Cotton smiled as she moved the dingy around and began to sail back to the ship.

Evelyn let out a breath through her lips, watching him leave. A comforting squeeze on her shoulder caused her to look up. Will looked down at her, giving a questioning look. She knew what he was questioning and gave him a nod to let him know she was okay.

They offered each other a small smile before pulling a part. Turning around, they looked at Leo and James standing behind them. "James, are you ready to reunite with your wife?" Evelyn asked, smiling at the excited expression growing on his face.

"Ready as I'll ever be." James replied with a smile.

As the men began to walk towards the town, Evelyn waited and turned back. Her emerald eyes caught view of the Black Pearl one last time. She felt familiar rough fingers loosely locking with her fingers. Evelyn turned her head up to look at her husband. It was a bittersweet emotion she was feeling right now. "I love you."

Will leaned his face closer and pressed his lips against her forehead. "And I love you."

"And now its time we say goodbye to this chapter of our story and say hello to the next chapter preparing to start." Evelyn said with a soft smile. Will didn't reply. Letting go of her hand, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pull her to his chest. She laid her head against his chest as he laid his cheek on her head. Together, they watched as the Black Pearl began to sail away.

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