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Evelyn lifted a shaky hand up to the front door of her home. Her knuckles knocking so softly against it she didn't think they would hear her. At her side, her other hand gripped her bag so tight that her knuckles became white. Butterflies soared in her stomach she could barely breath. Evelyn wasn't so sure why she was nervous to see her parents. She missed them more than she thought she would and was concerned for their safety. Silently, she prayed that they were alive and alright.

Will's hand slowly curled around her shoulder, gently giving her a comforting squeeze. The action caused Evelyn to turn back and look at him. She felt her forehead and eyebrows physically relax just at the sight of his handsome face. The overcast lighting made his sun kissed skin glow and his facial hair to stand out.

Turning her shoulders, she moved her eyes to look at Leo. She too felt herself relaxing just at the sight of him. He gave her an encouraging smile, causing one to bloom on her face as well.

The front door unlocked, slowly creaking as it was pulled open. Martin, her silent doorman, appeared in view. Evelyn gave the man a bright smile. "Hello, Martin. I'm home." She greeted brightly. His dark brown eyes locked on Evelyn, instantly stepping aside to allow her, Will, and Leo to walk inside. Evelyn's stomach fell in disappointment, walking inside past the man.

As Evelyn walked inside, she was greeted with the familiar feeling and smell she hadn't experienced in a long time. She was home. Her eyes floated around the room soaking in all of the familiars paintings and furniture.

Footsteps from beside her broke her trance. Martin walked up to her, causing her to turn and look back. The man looked down at her, eyes softening. "Welcome home, Miss. Adams." He bowed his head and walked off into the living room.

Evelyn froze in place, eyes wide. Slowly, she turned around to look back at Will and Leo. She stared at them in disbelief, jabbing her thumb in the direction where Martin disappeared. "Did...did he just...?"

Both men's eyes were wide as well, completely shock by what had just happened. "Oh my god he can talk." Will breathed out.

"I didn't even know he could." Leo shook his head.

"Martin talked..." Evelyn breathed to herself, slowly turning back around. Deep down, Evelyn wanted to squeal and freak out like she would if that ever would have happened when she was a child.

As Evelyn began to turn around, a soft and low humming grew closer and closer. Evelyn snapped her head to the right, looking into the living room. The familiar voice instantly brought tears to Evelyn's eyes. A shaky breath slipped past Evelyn lips as Amelia came into view. The woman was looking down at an open letter in her hand as she walked, her olive color dress swishing around her legs. Amelia froze in place, sensing something. Slowly, she looked up from the letter and met Evelyn's gaze. Disbelief washed up on her face as she stared at her daughter. "Evelyn...?" She whispered, dropping the letter.

"I'm home." Evelyn whispered, smiling bright with tears in her eyes. Both Amelia and Evelyn broke into a run towards each other. They met half way, rushing into each others arms. They held each other tightly, gently rocking themselves. Evelyn nuzzled her head against Amelia's chest, enjoying the feeling of her once servant now mother cradling her head.

"Evelyn." A familiar voice panted. Evelyn pulled back and looked up at her father, Charles Adams. It looked as if he ran all the way to come see her.

"Papa..." Evelyn cried, pulling gently from Amelia to run up to her father. She embraced her father, inhaling his smell and feeling his arms wrapped around her.

"My darling, have we missed you." Charles smiled through his tears. He pulled back to cup Evelyn's face, studying it. "Oh have I missed your sweet smile." He breathed out, using his thumb to wipe the tears streaming down Evelyn's smiling cheeks. Charles gave his daughter a few kisses on her forehead before embracing her again. He looked up and opened an arm for Amelia.

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