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Evelyn balanced on the sole of her foot, standing tall on the wooden ladder against the bookcase. Her fingers stretched, reaching to grab the top of the green book. "Al....almost...almost..." She stood higher on her tip toes. Her fingers flicked against the top of the spine until she was able to lay the palms of her fingers on it. "Got it!" She exclaimed, pulling it out of the shelf. Holding the book in her hand, she looked to the green cover. "Legends of the Seas. Perfect." Turning her shoulders, she looked down to Leo. "Add this to the table." She handed him the item.

"Are you sure you don't want me to grab the books?" Leo raised a brow, taking the book from her.

Evelyn turned back around as Leo walked over to the table. The table was beginning to grow covered with books. "I'm fine, just be close in case I fall." She breathed out, eyes flickering to each spin of each book. No other book had any titles that would offer any help.

"Is there anything I can help you both with?" Chimed in a new voice. Evelyn looked over her shoulder again at the librarian. She smiled. "No thank you, Mr. Bennett. We're just looking and researching." She leaned her hip against the bookcase for balance.

"Researching for what, if I may ask?" Mr. Bennett gentle voice filled with innocent curiosity. Evelyn loved Mr. Bennett. He was the kindest soul she had ever met. The librarian looked the part of a librarian. He was shorter than Leo and slightly chubby. He had long grey hair that started his receding hairline. Glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and light blue eyes held the kindest gaze.

Leo looked to Evelyn, unsure of what to say. "Well..."

"We're searching for different curses and ways of breaking them. Specifically ones that happen out at sea." Evelyn placed a hand on her hip. She trusted Mr. Bennett and knew that he could help her, especially if it was finding books.

"Ah." Mr. Bennett gave a slow nod, clasping his hands behind his back. "I may know a think of two about legends and myths but not much, I'm afraid. Look through all the books you'd like and if none of the books have any of the answers you're looking for, let me know. Thanks to your father, he's always bringing me back a variety of books to add to the library. If he or anyone else donates any books that are what you're looking for, I'll be sure to let you know."

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Mr. Bennett. That is awfully kind of you."

"Don't mention it, Miss. Adams. Oh and welcome back home from your voyage." Mr. Bennett gave her a smile, throwing one to Leo. "Good luck, let me know if you need anything." He nodded before walking into his office.

"Thank you, sir!" Evelyn called to him. She shared a look with Leo. Both letting out a sigh before returning to what they had been previously doing. Her eyes raked over the last bit on the last bookshelf. "I think that's it." She called, studying the top shelf one last time. Looking down, she carefully climbed down the latter and walked over to the table Leo was sitting at. The town's library wasn't the largest but it wasn't the smallest. It was a small room with soft brown, wooden bookshelves resting against each wall. In the center of the room was a long wooden table with matching chairs resting all around its sides.

"What if none of the books have any of the answers that we're looking for?" Leo looked up from the book he was reading, watching Evelyn lower herself across from him.

With a tired sigh, Evelyn replied. "I have no idea what to do then." She slouched her shoulders, resting her chin in her palm.

She watched Leo's face soften as he looked at her. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out one day. It'll be okay." He offered a sympathetic smile. His tone alone made Evelyn feel better instantly. His smile only added to the positive emotion.

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